Is Saturday 10-29-22 Whatcha doing this weekend?

Here in Atlanta working…wish I was home taking the kids day riding somewhere! Have a great weekend GDC! 

It's still raining in TX. Love this time of year. Going to get the trailer organized this weekend. Finish my To Do List in the Motorhome. Peace

We’ve got the grandsons this weekend so it’s total chaos. In between that going to a bbq today and brunch tomorrow. Plus taking them around the neighborhood to show them all of the decorations.  We’ve got about 10 houses that go over the top on their Pirate 🏴‍☠️ decorations.   

Everyone have a great and safe weekend 

Buddy gave me a sweet Crye plate carrier yesterday.  Now I'm shopping for armor...

Headed out to Campo today for birthday parties.


Made soup. Cook with shallots often? I dont and need to change that. Used celery and jalepenos from the garden. They grew small. I kept thinking they were serranos and some kids at the 99c store switched the tags as a joke. 


Shop/office work today. Gotta pay the bills. 

House tomorrow. Contractors been ripping stucco off the back three sides of the hose. From the foundation and up 6 feet. The home builder didn't install weep screet in these homes so the whole track has stucco issues. I'll have the only home that won't anymore. 

I'll get photos tomorrow. 


Happy weekend to all y'all.

Met up with a board member to off load some equipment, then caught up with the boss lady for lunch at a joint near by.  Casey Moores

Irish joint that does Oysters and seafood dishes.  And, heavy handed drinks I guess....said boss lady is passed out on the couch now.  LOL

went to my sons 3rd to last D2 college football game, we got our ass handed to us, 38-7, but the good news is he said I'm playing as a 5th yr senior next year, so 

I hopefully will get to see him play another year. Sadly one of our friends on the team took a hit to the knee and tore his mcl/acl had to be carried off and is out for the season (2 more games).  Its tough and emotional to see a kid get carried off like that, put in the meat wagon and hauled to the training room.

Whelp, got some stuff done this weekend.  Blue is back on all 4s.  I need to tighten up the tie rods and I think she's ready for Vets.  

Did a few honey dos last yesterday and went to a party with some co-workers of my wife's.  Did a mini clean up of the garage.  Will get in depth cleqning when the buggy is back in the trailer.  

Gonna visit mom this afternoon and take #1 son with me.  She will be happy to see him.  

Then prep for work...  I'm SOOOOO looking forward to Vets...  


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