Is anyone else...........


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Staring @ the clock waiting for knock off time to roll around????

Im like a kid waiting for Christmas............. EVERY minute seems to take an hour.  LOL.

Last work day of the year for me!

3pm can't come soon enough.

I was and then got the text. “We have Covid”. Now all of our plans have been canceled with the kids and grandsons. 
Really makes it hard, especially for the young children. Hope all turns out well.

Already off until the 3rd.......................cant wait to put my feet into the sand on the 26th (hopefully I can find a spot to camp)

I know I'll have 12 hrs days for the next few weeks.....nothing really Merry about any of this........

Word,.. going to my buddy's 50th B-Day party tonight in San Clemente. Best friends since 6th grade (almost 40 years). I bought him a Parker Pumper system, since he doesn't like my roost... :rofl:

I had my inventory/business off the internet from 11/12-12/12 cause of trips to Glamis and Kauai. Been absolutely swamped since I put it back up. Plan to remove it at the end of the day and not put it back up until 1/3/2022.

I love this time of year. The weather in California gets comfortable, lots of days off/trips, etc. 

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!.. see you in G in a few days.



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Been off since 1030 because I can take off whenever I want.

Im down to doing the stupid things down on the bottom of the Honey Do list that I dont ever want to do..........  LOL. 

22 more minutes.............  🙂

i'll work from home tomorrow and dunes on friday hopefully. 

i mean i'll work from the garage/storage facility getting ready to go friday lol.

hey if my phones on i'm working so, technically i'm on the clock lol
