Inverter Question


New member
Nov 27, 2023
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Hi all..  Been a long time since being on this forum. So long, my original login credentials are gone and had to start

I've seen a few good inverter threads on here.  However, I still have a question.

I recently installed a Renogy 2000W Inverter/Charger with built in transfer switch in my Class C. I installed a subpanel and moved only the outlets over and wired the Inverter to the subpanel.  That way when the inverter is on, I don't power the Micro, AC, and Converter. Everything works great, except when I'm plugged into shore/generator power, I must have the inverter on to get power to the subpanel/outlets. Some would say, so what...  However, I didn't always want the inverter on. I though power would pass through the inverter even it's off.

Question, does this seem to be normal operation?  I ask because I had an inverter on my last trailer and it was wired in way that only powered the outlets, however when the plugged in, everything worked and inverter did not need to be on. Unfortunately, I don't know how it was wired. It was all done after the fact...not factory.

I can't think of how to wire this one so that I'm not back feeding the inverter which isn't good...even with the transfer switch. Manual says, don't back feed.

What are your thoughts? TIA..

I'm sure the solar guys will Chime in....Squatcher  etc.... maybe search a solar thread and pm some of those guys direct, I'm sure they've seen this 100 times. 

I'm sure the solar guys will Chime in....Squatcher  etc.... maybe search a solar thread and pm some of those guys direct, I'm sure they've seen this 100 times. 
Thanks... I'm pretty sure it was Squatcher that helped me wire my last one....13 years ago.. lol

Power will not pass through an inverter unless it is on. All the control circuitry for inverters are DC and have to be that way. So you must have DC power available and the inverter ON for any functions to work, including pass through. 

Can't tell you how many people kill their batteries entirely and then wonder why the inverter won't kick on and charge with Gen or shore power. You have to have at least enough battery power to turn the inverter ON first. 

You would have to install a 2nd transfer switch.  Once it sees the power from the shore power it will take over thus eliminating the need for the inverter.  So either your shore power would power the sub panel, or the inverter.

You would have to install a 2nd transfer switch.  Once it sees the power from the shore power it will take over thus eliminating the need for the inverter.  So either your shore power would power the sub panel, or the inverter.
Thanks.. this makes sense and where my head was going.

Would you say this is this a common install strategy?

You can also put in a simple bypass breaker from your main panel to your sub panel. This would bypass your inverter. This is also done in case the inverter craps out. But best to use a safety switch so you can't have both the bypass breaker closed and the inverter on at same time or things go poof 

For clarity, this is how it's currently wired. I can change it up as needed, but what I would like is to be able to power the everything without having to turn on the inverter. Maybe another transfer switch in there would do it.

Inverter Diagram.jpg

All you need is a breaker in your main panel and wire going to the subpanel with a corresponding breaker in the subpanel.  Open the breaker on your main panel feeding your inverter. Turn off the switch between inverter 110v out and subpanel. Then close the breaker on your main panel going to the subpanel and close breaker on subpanel for incoming from main panel. Now you are powering your subpanel without any a/c going to the inverter or coming from it. 

is the inverter/charger charging the batteries. i think i have the same inverter charger my converter is disconnected. When the shor/gen is connected its charging the batteries and passing ac to the main panel. i added a panel and just pulled the air conditioner into that panel. the inverter powers everything my victron has a 60a double pole transfer switch built in. i never actually turned it off the app is cool as you can limit the charge rate if you are using a small gen

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what inverter are you using?.  When my inverter is off I still get power to my outlets.  It does not charge my battery unless I turn charging on my inverter though. same with Gen. 

what inverter are you using?.  When my inverter is off I still get power to my outlets.  It does not charge my battery unless I turn charging on my inverter though. same with Gen. 
Hey Squatcher.  I'm using a Renogy 2000w Inverter/charger (true sin).  For the way I have it wired, you think power should run through the inverter even if it's off?

My last inverter was a Xantrex Pro Series (modified sine).  I didn't have this probelm, but again and I cant remember how I wired it 13 years ago. 

I found your inverter that you are using and I am sorry but I know nothing about that inverter.  The way you wired it looks good and if everything else works like, charging, transfer of power and so on then I would say that is how it is meant to be..    I have two 2000w inverters and mine never turn off.   I would be calling or email there tech support and ask them the question.  I would bet not many of us have installed one of those units.  My fav is the Magnum inverters

I found your inverter that you are using and I am sorry but I know nothing about that inverter.  The way you wired it looks good and if everything else works like, charging, transfer of power and so on then I would say that is how it is meant to be..    I have two 2000w inverters and mine never turn off.   I would be calling or email there tech support and ask them the question.  I would bet not many of us have installed one of those units.  My fav is the Magnum inverters
Thank you!  Everything works like it should. The only thing I must have it one to feed power to the sub panel. Maybe that's just way it is.  Thanks again!  
