In the 3.5 years I’ve been in TN, I’ve not shot my arms…


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Last I took them apart and oiled them was 2 years ago.  If I’m not shooting, how often should they be cleaned/oiled?

they’re all indoors in cases with humidifier…not a safe.  They will be in a safe once the man cave is built.

I rarely clean even when I shoot.

I've got stuff I dont think I ever cleaned in 20 years. 

BUT, it would be good to annually go through stuff and refresh. 


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sell it and buy new and better and bigger

I clean every time i shoot. And oil every so often when not used. Must me the military family upbringing in me

Is there a market for a house and gun cleaner.???

I'd be interested.

I go years without oiling.  I clean and lube all my stuff before I put them back away.  If it's been longer than 6 or 7 years I might clean/oil before shooting, depends on where it's stored.  

Clean and oil after every time its shot. Once that's done, it's good for many years. The exception is if you have any older and/or high end blued firearms. The oils and acids from your hands can start to rust the finish as can humidity. Modern stuff has some really good coatings used and rust generally isn't a problem. 

Clean and oil after every time its shot. Once that's done, it's good for many years. The exception is if you have any older and/or high end blued firearms. The oils and acids from your hands can start to rust the finish as can humidity. Modern stuff has some really good coatings used and rust generally isn't a problem. 
my model '94 has this issue... was in my pops safe in a felt lined leather sheath for years and last time I pulled it out she was lookin a little worse for wear
