IMI Hi-Torque starter parts?


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2022
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Does anyone sell the parts to rebuild a 101N? I am assuming it just needs contact points and a solenoid. Would like to avoid shipping to/from Hi-Torque.
You can fit 2 starters in 1 of those pre paid boxes from the post office.
I think I shipped 2 back to IMI for like $22 or something.
Sure seems like IMI starters need to be rebuilt often. Why?
You can fit 2 starters in 1 of those pre paid boxes from the post office.
I think I shipped 2 back to IMI for like $22 or something.
Thanks for the suggestion. I picked up a couple flat rate boxes just in case.
If your in a pinch, I have a spare I could send to you
Thanks for the offer! I had a spare starter when the original quit, so now I want to get this one working to keep as the spare.
Sure seems like IMI starters need to be rebuilt often. Why?
This starter was in my Squirt when I bought it and I don't know how old or how much use it got prior to me. Sure was glad I had a spare when it quit. I don't know why they have a shorter life.
Does anyone sell the parts to rebuild a 101N? I am assuming it just needs contact points and a solenoid. Would like to avoid shipping to/from Hi-Torque.
Couple of things with these starters, the part that is hard to get and must get from IMI will be the adapter plate, besided that all the contacts and parts can get out of a Toyota starter, If you use Oriley's then it is Lifetime LOL,

The biggest issue for me is a trip get destroyed by the Gear getting pulled off, I know for me and my customers, TIG weld the gear onto the Shaft,
no more worry that the clip will pull it off,
Couple of things with these starters, the part that is hard to get and must get from IMI will be the adapter plate, besided that all the contacts and parts can get out of a Toyota starter, If you use Oriley's then it is Lifetime LOL,

The biggest issue for me is a trip get destroyed by the Gear getting pulled off, I know for me and my customers, TIG weld the gear onto the Shaft,
no more worry that the clip will pull it off,
Thanks! i will see
If I can match up some Toyota parts. Thanks for the gear tig tip.