If you missed the powerball cutoff because it was locked '@ time of drawing'


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
Reaction score
But drawing was delayed until further notice; can you still get in?

Numbers are not showing yet. How did you learn it was delayed?

I'd say post your ticket here and we can figure it out, if anyone has an issue, we can work it out at that time?

I guess it only becomes an issue if I have the winning ticket....... i'm not greedy and would be fine scraping by with my measly $80m....

Supoosedly a 'security protocol' issue with one state.   Smells fishy....

Would be funny if there was one winning ticket - from the state that delayed the drawing....

I guess it only becomes an issue if I have the winning ticket....... i'm not greedy and would be fine scraping by with my measly $80m....
True, but this would have to be a group decision. I personally don't have an issue since you posted it before the numbers were made public. but that is only my opinion. Some may want strict adherence to the rules, which I can understand too.


And as much as I want to say yes your included. It opens the door to everyone.

Do we have time to start a poll?

Are all the members that posted in that lotto drawing online now to comment?

How much time do we have before the drawing?

What we knew/know.

Ticket sales ended and are not open for this drawing. 

Drawing time is 7:59 and I locked it a few seconds into 7:59.

This is open for discussion and it's not my call. 

That delay is going to effect which numbers are drawn. I feel that my numbers would have been drawn if the drawing had taken place at the correct time. I'll be filling my lawsuit for $1.9b plus punitive damages first thing tomorrow morning 

It's my understanding thw numbers had been picked moths ago....

Sure, if you have the winning ticket you can post up here late! I’ve got no problem with that.

But, I’m thinking we won and Lottery ain’t paying out to a group of RedNecks and Flat Billers so they found a glitch while the ballots, oops, I mean numbers, are tallied.

Good luck to us regardless.
