Idaho residence sandcar owners

May 5, 2021
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Im not real sure where to put this so Im putting here.. With all the B.S. that Calif has to offer theses days I have finally had enough ..Born and raised here its sad to see how this state/city has gone to hell in a hand basket ..Since most of ya'll live here ya know what i mean...ANYWAYS ...i have bought a house in Idaho Falls which is about an hour or so from St Anthony's which was one of the reasons i chose Idaho to move to because of the dunes... and the season being different there as it is here it will make coming back to Glamis for a trip or two a little easier....So Im curious on how many members of are actually Idaho residence and own sandcars and actually spend time in St Anthonys ...Id like to hook up with a local group that has a sandcar or two in the group...not that i have anything against the SxS ..but yeah you l know what I Its hard to leave an awesome group of friends that i camp with for many years at Glamis... but i guess you have to take the good with the bad.. I have (paid) references if

You're only 14 hours from Glamis that's an easy drive if you leave your stuff in storage at Dunes Edge. You also don't have to winterize if you do. 

I know Bababouy lives up there, I think there are a couple more. Sounds like you have it made, dune up there in the summer, spend your winters in Glamis!

There’s tons of duners. I live in Utah, I’m only an hour from Little Sahara Utah. It’s about a 4-5 Hour Drive up to Saint Anthony from here and a handful of friends go up all the time in my group. Haven’t made it up there myself just yet but hoping to within the next year or two. I’ve been raised in California, moved up hereSeven years ago. Still make two trips a year minimum down to Glamis, it’s a long drive but always worth it. Look for the dune groups and pages on Facebook if you want to find people faster. Always wondered how many people are on here from Utah as well as Idaho. Following to find out

Well I finally pulled the trigger and jumped a sinking ship for better days in Idaho...F'u Newsome and F'u californina for all your Liberal crap.. Its a bitter sweet move for me...I was born and raise in So Cal and its crazy to watch it be destroyed from the inside out... Ill be making a couple trips to glamis during the season but it was hard to leave the group i have been camping for quite sometime now...Ive been in Idaho now for almost an entire month!!! have have one question....does it ever get warmer than 55 degrees during the day? Asking for a friend...anyways i look forward to the desert season here and hopefully Ill find some cars to go on a rip with in St Anthony's..and if any one ever finds there way out here ..let me know..and i just might meet you out there..Im only an hour from St Anthony's

Idaho falls huh? You'll get better weather starting this month. We're in Nampa now. No sand car but we do have SXS's. They're just way more versatile up here.

Came from Pine Valley/ East County San Diego. Wish we would have done it years ago. You'll find you have much more freedom now. 

Welcome to the state. Vote conservative to keep it this way.

Sup TTT. Welcome to Da Hoe. Warmer weather is right around the corner, a couple of high 60* days next week. There are plenty of days ahead when you’ll be looking back at 55* days fondly…there are some locals still rolling in higher HP cars, some only busting them out when friends from the South visit. Most of us up here have gone to the dark side driving golf carts (SXS). Due to the great trail riding and in my case having to ship or take broken sand rail parts to vendors in Vegas / Cali it didn’t make sense for me to take up space in my shop for a rail. 
There is a local Facebook duner group but they have a mixture of folks with quite a few hopped up quads that do a lot of drag racing / hill shooting.

A good way to meet some peeps that are similar to your setup is to checkout the Horsepower Wars put on by Idaho Dunes RV, fun event with plenty of upper end cars.

Make sure you have room in your garage / shop for your new addiction, Snowmachines!

Sup TTT. Welcome to Da Hoe. Warmer weather is right around the corner, a couple of high 60* days next week. There are plenty of days ahead when you’ll be looking back at 55* days fondly…there are some locals still rolling in higher HP cars, some only busting them out when friends from the South visit. Most of us up here have gone to the dark side driving golf carts (SXS). Due to the great trail riding and in my case having to ship or take broken sand rail parts to vendors in Vegas / Cali it didn’t make sense for me to take up space in my shop for a rail. 
There is a local Facebook duner group but they have a mixture of folks with quite a few hopped up quads that do a lot of drag racing / hill shooting.

A good way to meet some peeps that are similar to your setup is to checkout the Horsepower Wars put on by Idaho Dunes RV, fun event with plenty of upper end cars.

Make sure you have room in your garage / shop for your new addiction, Snowmachines!
Thanks BBB..the weather is a big learning curve for me but its not so bad....Funny you mentioned the snowmobiles...Ive already decided I was gonna get one of those.. Thanks for the info as well.....Im not sure ill be able to swallow the SXS pill..but never say never I suppose....I curious ..whats it cost to ship a trans to cali?..Maybe ill see you out there..A buddy of mine from my cali group just bought a new funco and he rides in Idaho for the summer ..

I live in north east nv we are about 5 hrs from st Anthony we also go to sand mt nv and Utah occasionally winters we go to Dumont  (watch your self around bbb he gave up sand cars because he couldn’t drive)
