i have to ask 3 questions cause i just dont know


Forum Moderator
Apr 30, 2021
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1  how do people get other peoples texts like  Cheney reads texts from Hannity and Ingram?  like is this someone who forwarded a sent text from them  or there is some way to just see them?  are all of our texts open to this? is everything i text recorded somewhere?  i mean like that would be nice ....i have a few text that have been erased by accident and i love to "re" see them  LOL

2  is there a roofer in the house? i have concrete tile roof  very large tiles, a few have cracked and slipped down exposing the tar paper.  it looks like thats been that way for a while and paper is opening up.  what henry product is the right stuff?  do i just paint it on or do i put paper down and glue it on top?  i know thats not the preferred way but going to do it my self.  once done i thought i would use some type of large quantity of silicone and slide the tile back into place and silicone the crack to help tile not slide down again in heave winds  if thats "OK" any type of product would be recommended?

3  who or what is the pic on the shirt of ABC?  i live a sheltered life and maybe thats some important person, but the pic is on every shirt of everyone that he knows  HAHA

You never know when a night out will go from wild to legendary. But in Ozzy Osbourne’s case, one crazy night in 1984 became infamous. Osbourne was in the middle of the years-long Bark at the Moon tour in May 1984 when a night of drinking in Memphis, Tennessee, led to one of the greatest mugshots of all time.
#3.  Yes Ozzy Osborne mug shot. 

#2. dunno, not a roofer.

#1. If they get subpoena's then they can goto the carrier & get the txts from them.  Same with Voicemails and call records. 

#2: (hehe) When I went, there were 2 types of Henry's, one for when you're sealing a current leak during the rain (wet) and another you put on when it's dry.  Assume tar paper plus the dry stuff would be good if not exposed to sunlight, but I'm not a roofer nor do I like Holiday Inns.

When the Henrys attacks you, and it will, viciously, wd-40 is your friend. 
Ok, what's the deal with Henry's - is it crazy glue sticky and impossible to get off?  I haven't used it?

As it happens - flying to North Carolina on a redeye Friday night - seeing my father, giving Christmas gifts and doing some repair work at his house for the day and flying home Sunday.  From what I can tell from really poor pictures, he's got a roof leak where chimney connects to roof.  I had planned to grab some Henry's and attempt to seal it up.

Ok, what's the deal with Henry's - is it crazy glue sticky and impossible to get off?  I haven't used it?

As it happens - flying to North Carolina on a redeye Friday night - seeing my father, giving Christmas gifts and doing some repair work at his house for the day and flying home Sunday.  From what I can tell from really poor pictures, he's got a roof leak where chimney connects to roof.  I had planned to grab some Henry's and attempt to seal it up.
It's a roofing tar/cement.  It works great, but it's also like anti-seize.  Sht gets everywhere!

3  who or what is the pic on the shirt of ABC?  i live a sheltered life and maybe thats some important person, but the pic is on every shirt of everyone that he knows  HAHA

I've always wondered that too. Peace

#3 Rockstar


#2 Hire a Professional


#1 You can set your own device to archive/store your texts messages. If they are already gone, they are gone.


Yup.. Ozzy mug shot from like 1983. Been my avatar for a while. Gonna blow up our group photo and put it in the rig. .. Fun for the whole family!.. kids too..



#1: "Mr. Meadows received numerous text messages, which he has produced without any privilege claim, imploring that Mr. Trump take specific action we all know his duty required," said Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming"

#1 when in public office and issued a .gov phone. You can request a public records info dump. Sometimes really hard to get other times super easy. Other then that an intern is sharing info they aren't supposed to. I would bet there is more then one person accessing the same "phone" to help the VIP get chit done efficiently. Second part is just really good graphics guys who can "make up" anything they want to post on screen and it looks overly legit.


Henrys 204 is for when it's dry and better on a warm day.

Henrys 208 is wet patch and works on the colder days.

All you have to do is order Henrys and you already have it on you!
