How To Change A President Without A Vote (It's Been Done Before)


Forum Moderator
May 1, 2021
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So now that you clicked on this thread, here is how.

The "Left" is desperate to retain control.

They offer the VP Harris $$$$$$ to retire and run a non profit. She agrees.

Biden will then appoint CA governor Nuescum as the new VP.

Biden then has a stroke, (Or whatever) and take a medical.

Bingo, Nuescum is now the President Of The United States. He selects the new VP.

IF this happens, you heard it here first. And not one vote was taken or counted.

And pray for us, and the USA.

Newsom then pardons The Biden Family and  Wala !!!!! 

then Stacey Abrahms is appointed VP


not a far fetched thought / Just like Nixon, a pardon and get out of jail free card!!!


Not as far from reality as people would like to believe....We are in the end game for this country....when car thieves are ignored and allowed run free and law enforcement does nothing.....we know society is past the tipping point. We had a chance....we blew it.  We are like the kids that inherit their parents business and run it into the ground.....

So now that you clicked on this thread, here is how.

The "Left" is desperate to retain control.

They offer the VP Harris $$$$$$ to retire and run a non profit. She agrees.

Biden will then appoint CA governor Nuescum as the new VP.

Biden then has a stroke, (Or whatever) and take a medical.

Bingo, Nuescum is now the President Of The United States. He selects the new VP.

IF this happens, you heard it here first. And not one vote was taken or counted.

And pray for us, and the USA.
Congress would have to approve of the New VP and he only gets two terms and one would be the remaining portion of Bidens. Not to worried Newscum has to big of a ego to only get  in the big char on a back door deal. 

OBUMMER was bad and I was like no way it can get worse!

Enter Biden....Holy EFF Bomb was I you spring this on us.


We are so DOOMED!

It seriously can't keep going with the Left in there....Gawd they are EFFING UP EVERYTHING!!!!!!

:thefinger: Biden :thefinger: Kamala :thefinger: Newsom, etc...

... In looking at my own children, I see a shift.. my 23 and 25 year olds were FLAMING liberals until 4/5 years ago.. completely flipped to RED. I'm hoping there's 'hope' in the young.. also.. what about the Hispanic vote?.. 

I figure..

Repubilican White House/House - stock's go up, life is better than today.. .OR.. you're correct and.. Dems ruin things more.. .. civil war.. lawlessness.. mass unemployment.. crime.. you said it first... and I agree.

Banana Republic!.. very Orwellian. 


PS. If you're an 'elite' you eventually get purged.. 


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This week on Danc­ing With the Tsars: Peter & Cather­ine were great,

Ivan was ter­ri­ble, and Boris was Godunov.

