how much is it worth? 26' Dico enclosed


Forum Moderator
Apr 30, 2021
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going to have a trailer soon for sale  Dico enclosed 26' regular 8 foot wide tandem axle  14" rims, brand new D rated tires (5 lug)

has fuel and huge aluminum water tank on board and an onan generator mounted in the left front  one small window per side  i think the rear door opening is around 90", regular height

any type of price range would be nice

Pics would help. Enclosed trailer market is hot right now like everything.. 

Based on the info you provided and its clean like I assume it is, i'd say anywhere between $13-16k if not a little more. 

It’s older. Need to clean it up. My guess is 20 years old. Going to clean it up first. Has some cool stuff. He was anal about security so bars on the windows inside and a removable cage on the inside of the side door for great protection while storing


Probably worth about 10K. If someone has to have one right now then could be a little higher. As you get closer to 15K you can buy new, just have to wait for 3 to 6 month wait.

With everything you listed, I wouldnt go less than 15k for a quick sale. probably worth an honest 17-20k. I just sold a 28'x8' super basic enclosed carhauler for 14.5k. And when I say it was basic, I mean it. It didnt even have a roof vent. 
That thing cleaned up will look nice. Curious what the inside of that looks like. 

With everything you listed, I wouldnt go less than 15k for a quick sale. probably worth an honest 17-20k. I just sold a 28'x8' super basic enclosed carhauler for 14.5k. And when I say it was basic, I mean it. It didnt even have a roof vent. 
That thing cleaned up will look nice. Curious what the inside of that looks like. 
pics coming of the insides next week.  BTW where did your buyer come from?  GD. Craigs list etc?

Buyer came off Facebook Marketplace. As long as you have good pictures and a good description, its hard to go wrong. Let me know if you want help selling it. Its what I do on the side. 

as someone who has been trailer shopping for weeks, its amazing how many ads out there SUCK lol. no descriptions, 1 picture, no dimensions. I could pull my hair out.

take alot of pics, list every dimension you can, rear door size opening, inside height, between fender wells, anything and everything you could imagine. 

I messaged a guy friday, I'd like to see your trailer, his response was man i'm super busy right now...........ummm ok, well you put it up for sale and Im trying to buy it!

another guy, listed a sweet 32ft gooseneck enclosed, great i'm in, can you send me dimensions, what do you want those for, its 32ft long! I asked for door dimensions, fender well dimensions etc, and he was put out I asked. Come to find out his 32' is really 24 plus the 8ft gooseneck area, so its not a damn 32' lol.

I'm sure noone has to tell you that, but boy it sure would avoid alot of headaches lol.  Here in okla, your at about 10k i'd say. list it on some facebook pages like race car trailer pages, etc. Im amazed at how much some trailers are bringing in certain areas, and seems up north they are giving them away. good luck to ya!

great info guys,  when the ad comes out it will be everything you listed!!

great info guys,  when the ad comes out it will be everything you listed!!
Well built trailers and they hold up great I owned a couple - but check the year, I think Dico became Mighty Mover (bought out)  in 98 in 99 if its a Dico it likely 97 or older. My 2000 was  a MM

I think the downfall to that trailer is the door opening width. Fortunately SxS sales significantly outpace buggy sales and the trailer is wide enough for them. Good luck but I'm thinking around 10k as well.  

 14" 5 lug wheels, that sounds like the axles would be 3500 lbs each max.  A 26' trailer with a 7000lb GVWR is a pretty light duty trailer. Loaded with water and gas, that doesn't leave room for much more. Is there a GVWR sticker on it? If it is a Dico, not Mighty Mover, it's probably late 80's - early 90's?? I'd guess??

Well built trailers and they hold up great I owned a couple - but check the year, I think Dico became Mighty Mover (bought out)  in 98 in 99 if its a Dico it likely 97 or older. My 2000 was  a MM
X2, my 98 is a Mighty Mover
