How much ammo?


Active member
May 7, 2021
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For all you enthusiasts and or preppers, I know there is no such thing as enough ammo. What is your current stock and or preferred stock amount? When the world goes to S**t, will ammo be the new currency?

My current stock is low to me but building it

.223 =2500 rnds

.308 = 500

6.5 = 400

.22 =3000

9mm= 2000

Other various hand gun and rifle/ shogun is about 1000 combined. 

What say you?

Nice try, fedboi!

1,000 rounds for each weapon is a good standard.  I keep meaning to go through all my gear and get a decent count on rounds and magazines.  I think you're at a good stock when you have shet keestered around and not even sure where it's all at.

I would think for apocolyptic situations, civil unrest, you need 5x to 10x the number of rifle shells vs. hand gun shells. Met an uber driver retired from service who served in the middle east. He said, other than target practice, he never even drew let alone fire his hand gun.

All action was his .308 saw. Dude had shrapnel scars all over his neck. Saw some real action... I gave him a nice 'Thank you for your service' tip.

My $.02


PS. Shotgun shells would fall in the middle IMO.

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Nice try, fedboi!

1,000 rounds for each weapon is a good standard.  I keep meaning to go through all my gear and get a decent count on rounds and magazines.  I think you're at a good stock when you have shet keestered around and not even sure where it's all at.
you know you want to contribute more to my delinquency :lol: I may or may not have a matching car to that truggy 

Nice try, fedboi!

1,000 rounds for each weapon is a good standard.  I keep meaning to go through all my gear and get a decent count on rounds and magazines.  I think you're at a good stock when you have shet keestered around and not even sure where it's all at.

yeah. I was in the garage yesterday and saw a couple boxes of tissue I forgot about. I was like, I should put those…….. naw, they are good right there. 

Twice as many 22 LR as you think you'll  need, 22LR is great for all means.....Food, protection, and telling your trespasser you'll call 811 USA dig alert....Just saying.
I have no idea how much is on hand around here.  A couple thousand 223/556.  A thousand or so each 9 and 40 in FMJ then more in HP.  Probably a few hundo of the various other rounds I have guns for.  300BO and 6.5g I'm 500 to a K~ish.  I have 4 safes in my "fun" room.  2 are just ammo.

BUT, what I do have is about 10k in 22lr.  IMO, that is THE bugout round.  I went circles in conversations with guy..."F that, taking my AR"  Cool, carry the heavy gun and ammo.  I'm not "dropping a hostile" at 500y everyday, but I'm probably gonna try for a rabbit/fox/yote,,I'll have 10x your ammo on me for the same weight.

I have no idea how much is on hand around here.  A couple thousand 223/556.  A thousand or so each 9 and 40 in FMJ then more in HP.  Probably a few hundo of the various other rounds I have guns for.  300BO and 6.5g I'm 500 to a K~ish.  I have 4 safes in my "fun" room.  2 are just ammo.

BUT, what I do have is about 10k in 22lr.  IMO, that is THE bugout round.  I went circles in conversations with guy..."F that, taking my AR"  Cool, carry the heavy gun and ammo.  I'm not "dropping a hostile" at 500y everyday, but I'm probably gonna try for a rabbit/fox/yote,,I'll have 10x your ammo on me for the same weight.
Agree on .22 its a great survival round can carry a few hundred in pockets easily it can put food on table and enough to cause damage to a person

My ammo stocking comfort level now is magnitudes more than it was before Obama took office. Up until that point, ammo was always available in stores so you have your case of whatever caliber and as that gets depleted from a day at the range, you buy more to replace. That's all gone now. I have to consider that whatever caliber I need to replace may not be available for several years and stock accordingly. None of the amounts I've seen mentioned here are out of line and I'm aware that an anti 2A person would think we are all terrorists and insurrectionists. Till the friendly home invasion folks come kicking their door in and stealing their jewelry or their kid.  .22LR, .45ACP, .556, and 12 gauge are my jam. 

Always assume a shortage or ammo ban WILL happen tomorrow.   

I've still got like 150 rounds of 5.7 I'll trade for 9, 5.45 or 7.62x39

Always assume a shortage or ammo ban WILL happen tomorrow.   

I've still got like 150 rounds of 5.7 I'll trade for 9, 5.45 or 7.62x39
I think Pipe has a 5.7 and is always looking for deals on... I'm headed that way in a couple weeks ;) 

Not giving details.....but I'm good. 

One thing to keep in mind, 9mm is the most common Ammo in the US......when the Shiat hits the fan and on the move....9mm will be the easiest to find on the road....just my .02!! 
