How busy will Christmas be?


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Do you think Christmas and new years  will be just as busy as the last 3 holidays? Yes I count veterans. Just trying to figure out when I should try to go down with the family this time. 

I think new years at least is one of the most busy times, rivals Thanksgiving from my memory.

yes it will.  We are shooting for Monday before xmas. looks like the 14day trip for me.  Oh bummer can't wait to put more miles on the Funco.

Christmas is usually pretty quiet. Not sure about this year my friend that manages Boardmanville says people have realized they can live out there and work online so who knows now. Permanent pad 4 coverage all season, that’s not normal. 

We go every year and leave before New Years.  New Years is just like every other holiday, crazy. 

Christmas will not be bad. New years will be very bad.

Last year it was not too bad.  More people have been called back into the office so not as many remote workers.  Usually it is pretty mellow up unitl about the 30th.  Then people start rolling in for New Years. 

We always go the 26th thru the 31st, with the holiday this year it will be busy by the 30th for sure.  Used to be the 26th and 27th was a ghost town out there, not anymore.

Maybe Biden can get us up to $6 gal gas by then to slow things down?  But then again, he may give out more free checks just before Christmas. 




oh wait.... I dont get those.  😞

Let everyone know to stay home. There's going to be a madman in a 2 seat Funco just effing that place all to hell.  Stay clear as I think he's going crazy. :lol:
Ill stay behind this madman........... I have a feeling you are gonna burn some serious amount of fuel on this trip!. Can't wait to see it in person!


The 17th till the 23rd it will be quiet and perfect crowds will be zero. Starting on the 23rd people will start to show up, even more will start showing up on the 26th. More and more people will start to arrive each day till about the 30th at which time some will start to leave but even more will show up. On the first you will notice people leaving and on the 2nd it will be like somebody turned the lights on a bunch of cockroaches.

Come on Cheff lets do it.  Grease you will need more fuel haha.  I went though 100 gal in 4 days.  I can't wait.  you, Tony and I need to sneek out just us three and tear some sand up. 

Come on Cheff lets do it.  Grease you will need more fuel haha.  I went though 100 gal in 4 days.  I can't wait.  you, Tony and I need to sneek out just us three and tear some sand up. 

I have yet to see your new car! Peace

Come on Cheff lets do it.  Grease you will need more fuel haha.  I went though 100 gal in 4 days.  I can't wait.  you, Tony and I need to sneek out just us three and tear some sand up. 
Car will be full with 30 gals so thats 150 to start.  You have a few more cylinders and a heavier car so I should be fine.

yes it will.  We are shooting for Monday before xmas. looks like the 14day trip for me.  Oh bummer can't wait to put more miles on the Funco.
Let me know where we are camping.😎 I am hoping to roll with you guys again. Maybe we can steal RRE or pad 3 since it is wide open right now.🤣
