Home School/Online options for high school?


Well-known member
May 3, 2021
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My daughters are Sophomore and Junior in High School.  After covid, things seem to have become more and more pointless in school.  That combined with a long commute to-and-from, we have discussed online options.

Has anyone had their kids, or known some, that take online schooling to finish up High School?  Pro's or Con's?  Just started looking into it and I'm not even sure where to start.

we home schooled our kids up  to HS.  one went to River Valley (https://rivervalleyhigh.org/) & the other one went to Foothill High school (https://fchs.foothillsschool.net/).

Both boys were very different & had different needs.  these 2 schools met those needs. 

we still have friends tuned into the homeschooling network in SD.  if you want Im sure my wife can point you in the right direction.  just a head up though.......... its a LOT of work.  you pretty much have to run a school with 2 students (& that is not including teaching). 

When we lived in Redlands, Ca they offered "eAcademy" through Redlands Unified SD. I think kids who chose it still went in 1 day a week for a few hours. I know a couple kids that finished High School there 6-7 years ago and they seemed to like it. Don't know if other districts offer it. 

  just a head up though.......... its a LOT of work.  you pretty much have to run a school with 2 students (& that is not including teaching). 
That sounds awful, my dude!

That sounds awful, my dude!
Depends on your goals......... 

I would guess if what you are after is a "online/remote schools", that would be much less effort than "home schooling".  I would think the homeschooling network is dialed into the remote school as well, but my youngest just turned 25, so it been a while since we were super close to it.  let me know, if I can help. 

It's not just elementary . I'm in trade school and up till this semester, my classes that should have been 20 kids were 3-4. My two classes this semester have 12 and 3, and the kids for the most part have no business being in those classes. They have no basic skills or fundamentals. 

My daughters are Sophomore and Junior in High School.  After covid, things seem to have become more and more pointless in school.  That combined with a long commute to-and-from, we have discussed online options.

Has anyone had their kids, or known some, that take online schooling to finish up High School?  Pro's or Con's?  Just started looking into it and I'm not even sure where to start.
Our daughter was enrolled in K12.  It was awesome.  Not sure if it is still the same though.  All of the curriculum she needed to follow was sent to us for free.  We loved the ability to go play in the desert and travel when we wanted and not get bogged down with school schedules.  The added benefit of not dealing with HS drama might have been the best thing.  By the time she started high school she was doing all of this on her own, or with friends in the area.

My daughters been in a hybrid deal for 3 years. 2 days in person . 3 days on her own. It's really working well for her.

Local elementary/middle school district for us is small and can't afford a lot of advanced placement stuff.  Our braniac son quickly outstripped it and we talked to the District about independent study, which they had a surprising amount of stuff set up for.  You're not the only one wanting to do something like this, and a lot of schools have things set up for it.

As much as I hate the school system, they did at least do my son right in this regard.

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