Help with value of '64 Ford Ranchero


New member
Apr 8, 2022
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Hey all. Hope everyone is well. I had to create an alternate account because I was unable to use my old one.

I hope this is the right place to ask. Unfortunately, my father passed away. I am helping my sisters deal with everything that comes with such an event.

One of the things my father owned was a 1964 Ford Ranchero. I am not sure what I can get for it. It's not running and has some rusted out areas. Any ideas on where to start on a sale price?

Sorry for your loss and welcome back. 

I've been thru this and held on to too many things that my dad owned after he passed. Vehicles, property, nick nacks etc. What I learned from it. I should have sold off all of it soon after and not held on for price.  I know this doesn't answer your question but if the car is in the way or is a burden now and will continue to be, then sell it to move on from it. 

Post some pictures and I'm sure collectively we can help appraise it for you. 

Again sorry for your loss. 

need more info and pictures



overall condition

could be a $2500 car or $25000 car in this market

So far, that sounds like a thousand bucks, if that.

I noticed, not running, and rusty.

Thanks for the responses. I know I offered very little to go off. I found an old note in my dad's home from someone who wanted to buy the truck years ago. I called and it turns out he's still interested. Offered $2,500. It's been sitting for years. Seems like a decent offer.

Sounds like its sold. Better for both parties in the end.....unless you have time to make this a project and earn more from the sale.

I'm more of the mindset like GM said...let the next person enjoy it and move on.

No way that's a $17,500 car today. 
The guy that bought it from me didn't do anything to it and was trying for $35 or $40k,  but I cant see it ever getting there.  It was an awesome car built by some of the best OG mini truck guys. I knew the history back to the late 80's. The underside was as clean as the top.  I let it go to cheap but no one was buying at the time.  I still made a few bucks,  only paid $11,500 for the car and finished the interior and had Pete "Hot Dog" Finlan stripe it.  








