Help Needed - Looking for Veterans asap: Dune Therapy Session March 4-6


Forum Moderator
May 1, 2021
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As we grow the non-profit and our mission, one of the missions that we are undertaking is to host veterans and their families in the dunes and cover their associated costs. Dune Therapy Sessions for veterans and their families. This part of our program would run twice a year (not Veterans Day weekend) while also facilitating large efforts on the Veterans Day weekend in partnership with other veterans organizations.

We are working with industry partners on off weekends that are helping make this happen in a big way. They'll need to bring clothes, bedding, and toiletries. Everything else is hosted. There is a nominal fee up front to ensure some skin in the game and lessen the chances of being ghosted after putting in the work on their behalf, and this is fully refunded and reimbursed on the back end.

The inaugural trip is coming up the first weekend March 4-6. This is a brand new program and we do not yet have the visibility and user base. I'm looking to host as many as 6 veterans and their families for the inaugural trip, only have a couple committed at this point. If YOU know of a veteran and their family, especially one that has never been to Glamis before, that would enjoy the opportunity to partake in what we all know and love then please either get me their contact info or have them contact me at or 951-314-434four and I'll get them the details. I'm not blasting this information out on social media and sending an open invite, for this trip I'm looking for people that you know of personally.

Semper Fi :cheers:

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