Help a Guy Out, Or Not.


Active member
May 9, 2021
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Saturday, at Buttercup, we went on a ride and stopped out near the Bowl, or what is left of it.  We were sitting there watching, chatting and etc.  We watched these 5 big buggies make a pass around the bowl to the north of us.  It appeared that they were all V-8 powered w/big meats on them.  We could see something in the bottom....the tips of 2 whips.  

When we were done, we rode over there.  The whips were on a SXS of some sort....1000, or 1100, DOHC, Turbo.  The driver was there and he had a tow-rope laid out in front of it.  He said that his partner went over to Duner's Diner to buy a belt (his 2nd shredded one of the trip).

For those of you not familiar w/the is on the west-side of the dunes and from there they go downhill going west and it is literally 1/4 mile from the flat desert.   Tis an easy tow, if you can get him out of that hole, and around the next one....which would be easy to do for any 1 of those 5 buggies.  We pulled a full size Chevy PU, w/a Blazer out of the, for them, it would be easy.

My point...those guys had to have seen the owner, and didn't stop to help, offer a ride, nutN.  They were within 50 yards of him, but no, we don't help people out.  What a bunch of knuckleheads.

Sad to hear. Always stop when you see a a Buggy or SxS sitting alone in the dunes. Even if they don't need help offer them water. Eff is wrong with people. 

i would of pulled him out if the belt wasn't coming soon. also would rather pull with the rzr than my buggy just because the rzr in 4wd pulls real good has no problem getting going on a up hill with stu paddles on the back and half paddle on the front stu tributes and even if it gets bogged down would never be a problem backing out of something. the buggy doesn't steer when its pulling and the rzr in 4wd pulling still turns on a dime. good of you to stop and try to help. eddited to say if you in a sxs and don't have a spare belt with you i don't feel bad for you 

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Doesn't look pretty but if you ever wondered why I keep 2 tie downs wrapped around my front grab bars on my quad ... pulled out and towed so many people over the years, not lately though with everyone in sxs's the quad isn't gonna do it. 


Actually reminds me too ... a ton of stories we have of helping clueless people in the summer who think they're gonna cruise down Gecko, some take their cars into the sand which never ends well! Some stories involve nudity (not mine lol!), bean burritos, and the Chinese government hahahha! :lol:

My group always stops and helps.  That said, I will not pull anyone with my buggy.  Too much money to fix a trans.  SXS or my TH400 sand truck sure, no way with the buggy.

When you rode over did the guy give you the arm wave or the thumbs up? 

I have ridden by a couple in a stuck SxS and as I came up gave the guy the thumbs up he responded with the thumbs up.  Telling me he had it covered, The wife though she was giving us the arm wave.  We stopped. The guy said he was fine and could get out, she just sat there shaking her head. You could tell he was digging and had been digging for a while.  He got pretty pissed off too when we ( about four of us) all walked to one side of the car lifted up and filled in his work.  Turned and did  the same thing on the other side. Then told him to drive out in 4WD. She was happy as can be he just sat there and mopped.  She said they had been stuck for an hour or so.  

The buggies came in real slow, made a pass around and went out.

I asked him, no arm waves, no thumbs, nutN.  I was sorta mad about it.  But, he said all is good, my buddy is coming w/a belt.

Same  here...we always see someone stopped, we wave or thumbs up/thumbs down...if we get a reaction yay or nay...we will help if needed.

My group is usually just me, a buddy and our kids on quads.  We still stop to see what's up or get a thumbs up from the person.  We likely wont be helpful for a tow but you never know what help is needed.

There usually isn't a whole lot of buggy groups in Buttercup.   One group is always out there though................ :classic_blink:

unfortunately so many people lose sight of the fact that EVERYONE has been in a bad spot (broken, lost, stuck, worse) in the dunes at one time or another.  Sometimes 15 mins of your time, can save someone else 12 hours.........

I don't know anymore, Couple of years ago we came across a buggy stuck in a witches eye. There were 2 of us and we stopped to help. We dug around the tires to take some of the stress of the car when we tried to yank it out. The 4 SOB's in the car, sat there and watched us work. When we tried to pull it out, their strap broke, it was stuck hard and there was no easy way to pull it, I was pulling up hill from the front or the back. Hooked up my strap and told them they needed to help push if we were going to have any luck, they didn't seem interested in lending a hand. After I broke my strap a couple of times I said screw it, gave them the number of the snow cat and left them standing there.

If the person is alone, we will check on them. If they are in a group, we keep on going.

You swing by and ask if they are ok, do they need help.

It doesn't matter what yore driving or what they are sitting on.

It's not always a tow, could be anything and a quick stop and ask doesn't hurt.

I'm glad not everyone sucks, thanks for stopping and checking  @Stinky  :cheers:

Well, on Saturday it was me that needed help.

Friday night I pulled in to my camping spot for huntN.  Unknown to me, my Rhino's hose going to the vacuum fuel pump (a commonly know weak point on Rhinos) came off.  The next morning, my Rhino cranked, but didn't start and the battery went dead shortly afterwards.

Some guys were coming down the mountain and I flagged em down.  "Hows it going?"  "Not good...."  We cleaned the battery terminals and it cranked....once.

Where are you parked?...on the Powerline.  I am camped on the powerline...IOW, no you aren't.  They took me  and my daughter to the truck (about 200yds away).  About 3 hours later I was back w/a new battery and hose clamps.  When they came back in the evening, we went back up.  After monkeying w/the pump, priming it and etc., it started and ran just fine.

They left and headed back for dinner.  ON the way back, the lights flickered, flashed and etc., but it ran fine.  I shut it off cuz the truck was tilted at an angle and loading at that angle didn't seem like a good idea.  

They told me that they were about ready to go back looking for me....evidently, the ETA of a Rhino and a POlaris SXS are a little 20 minutes.

Then, when I turned the key, NOTHING, no click, no dash lights, no headlights, nothing.  They pushed it on the trailer.

In short, they babied the heck out of me, and bailed me out.  

BTW, what it cost me....they refused it at first, but they asked for beer, Shlitz LIght.  $20 for a 30 pack at the grocery store.

The next day, I turned the key, all lights on the dash came on and it started w/o issue.  It looks like I am chasing a bad ground...we'll see.

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