Have a programmer/code reader?


Well-known member
May 3, 2021
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I'm having issues with my 2010 Silverado.  I cleaned the throttle body and now the idle is all out of whack.  Tried the relearn process but no go.  I had this issue some years back and  mechanic dude I know was able to set it back with a fancy programmer.

Anyone in San Diego area have the tool to do this?  I'll pay for your time.

OR, can anyone confirm they're worth spending $200+/- on a cheap one?

If all you need todo it scan one level down and get/clear codes, the cheapie ones are ok.  For complex stuff they won't get companion codes.  

Don't need to scan for codes.  Need to digitally adjust throttle position.  

Also have a Tire Pressure (not low, just needs "service") alert that won't go away.  Sound like basic ones can ditch that too.

Iirc, my cheapie $100 one does show engine info.  Temp, rpm, ol, cl, etc.  It's been a while since I've done anything but clear codes on my stupid dodge.  LOL 

I have to say....  kinda surprised there is any adjustment on the tps.  Didn't they stop that idiocy in 1992? LOL

Sounds to me like an IAC that needs to cleaned or run back in.  I have not cleaned one in years, throw the thing away and put a new one in.  

Sorry.....  I will try to be less of a dipshit in the future.....  and read when you typed and not what I thought you typed.....  

This is the box I have.  I connected it to my wife's '11 camry and my '99 ram, CTD.  Both show live stream data.  

Your more than welcome to it anytime.  I'm in. San Carlos,  near Lake Murray.   If you have a procedure we can give it a go. 




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