Handshake, Lunch, Weekend


Well-known member
May 3, 2021
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Interesting game they were talking about on the radio. Pick one living person for each

Handshake and a five minute talk:

Lunch just you and that person:

Weekend with:

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First people that came to mind have all passed.

First people that came to mind have all passed.
The person who suggested the game answer were 

Bill Murray for Handshake

Howard Stern for Lunch

Charles Barkley to hang with for the weekend.

Hmmmm…..Cool game.  Had many combos…but, 

handshake: Morgan Freeman

Lunch: Phil Mickelson

Weekend of golf with: Michael Jordan. 

Handshake with John Glenn, on the freakin moon.

Lunch with Hitler sometime in 1928, he will never even taste the poison.

Weekend with Einstein discussing Physics and making prank calls.

Handshake with John Glenn, on the freakin moon.

Lunch with Hitler sometime in 1928, he will never even taste the poison.

Weekend with Einstein discussing Physics and making prank calls.
I like your choices, but they have to be currently living.

Handshake with James Woods,

Luncheon with Nancy Pelosi and all of the top Democrats

Weekend with Erika Eleniak or Katee Owen.

Handshake: Bush, To be able to meet a POTUS would be an honor and out of all of the ones still living he would probably be the most normal one to have a five minute conversation with.

Lunch: Lunch is a interesting one so many great story tellers but you would want more then just to sit and listen to them talk. Lunch you would want to have a conversation with that person So I would say Joe Rogan talk about somebody who can have a conversation about anything

Weekend well that would be Burt Kreischer, who wouldn't want to party with the machine for a weekend and possibly be part of that next funny story.

Hmmmm…..Cool game.  Had many combos…but, 

handshake: Morgan Freeman

Lunch: Phil Mickelson

Weekend of golf with: Michael Jordan. 
You better bring your wallet for that weekend MJ likes to play for $$$$ and he has FU money to play with.

Is this a gay version of 'Marry, F, Kill"?

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or "Food, Friend or Fight" (from Big Bang Theory).  LOL.

Interesting game they were talking about on the radio. Pick one living person for each

Handshake and a five minute talk:

Lunch just you and that person:

Weekend with:
My question would be will they play too?  I had dinner with Billy & Shannon Glidden & we were 60 minutes into dinner before he really said a single thing.  I got him to say more @ the track than @ dinner.  LOL.  He finally let lose a little bit & started talking.  They are both SUPER nice folks.  I invited him to dinner & he would not let me pay.  He said he was going to bill Micky Thompson Tires for dinner. 

Since I cant pick dead people:

Handshake: Obama (so I could punch him straight in his face).

Lunch: All of the GD.com staff to chew the fat with.

Weekend: Still my wife.   I know Im a sappy ass, but almost 40 years we have known each other & still get along (when Im not being a DH). 

You better bring your wallet for that weekend MJ likes to play for $$$$ and he has FU money to play with.
I hope his wallet is full,, because I plan on emptying it.😁🏌🏾‍♂️

HandShake: George Bush

Lunch: Jerry Jones

Weekend: Travis Pastrana


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