Halloween Decorations


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2021
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My favorite time of year.  I love all the decorations people put out.  I’m visiting mom for a week and she has a cool set up.  
the two guitar players rock the deliverance song and a couple more.  And they sing.  😁


They Banjo even when the wind blows. And they sound great. Peace

I've done this one off in on for a few years (not my photo, don't want to search for it)... it's real easy.. and I always have emptied booze bottles lying around... 


This was Halloween 2015.

I'll be putting the big web and spider up this year, the kids love it.

My neighbor across the street asked when I was putting it up. Hopefully tomorrow.

We usually go all out cause we have a huge party, but with all that's gone on...we are still keeping things on the mellow side.


love halloween, i do need some new stuff. i had a list of things i wanted to get this year but that money went to the rzr. my neighborhood is crazy on halloween its so awesome, i still need to go buy candy and that is about a $200-$300 trip. i really wanted the 12' skeleton and another nice fog machine. maybe next year. and i want a drone with one of those light ghost type decorations attached to it to fly around the cul de sac. we have a bunch of houses that really go all out. i need to step it up. hopefully next year. 
