Graduation gift for girl


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May 8, 2021
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My daughter graduates high school in may 2022

anyone got their daughter a graduation gift and if so what was it?

I need to start looking now lol.

I got my son a tag divers watch in his school's colors with an inscription on the back. More of a keep sake than anything, he doesn't really wear it unless he is dressing up, can't take it to college for fear it will disappear.

I know she won't want a watch. any ideas? 

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A brand new sand car!!!!

And when she does not use it, you can lol

But seriously tho, I am no help.......

I bought both my daughters a really nice laptop computer for HS graduation. They needed them anyway for college. They already had cars so that was already covered. 

My daughter graduates high school in may 2022

anyone got their daughter a graduation gift and if so what was it?

I need to start looking now lol.

I got my son a tag divers watch in his school's colors with an inscription on the back. More of a keep sake than anything, he doesn't really wear it unless he is dressing up, can't take it to college for fear it will disappear.

I know she won't want a watch. any ideas? 
I can tell you what NOT to give her...   a month long trip to Waikiki. It was supposed to be a month long honeymoon with my wife, to make up for it being about 15 months late. Then the step daughter graduated from HS and without thinking, I offered to take her along as well. Why not? The condo rental and car rental were already covered, all we had to do was buy an extra plane ticket for the step daughter and she was covered. Right? Wrong. 

The wife pointed out to me in no uncertain terms that only a total idiot (her version had a lot more EFF bombs in it) would invite an 18 yr old girl for a month long honeymoon with her mother. OK, my bad, I was trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. I nearly got stoned. Then Missy begged me to invite her best friend Tracy to go as well. I caved in, my wife almost gave me a craniotomy and told me I was certifiable. That was just the start of the problems.

As a fairly low paid sailor, we'd been saving for this for about 6 months. I was in a 3 month school and they showed up for the 3rd month. The teenage girls brought fake IDs. Fake Hawai'i IDs. The first night at Moose's, the bouncer burst out in laughter, ripped them in half and told the girls they didn't even look anything like a HI DL. After a new bouncer showed up, the girls walked up with us and didn't even get carded, since the stepdaughter looked like my wife's sister. I had told them to save up a lot of money for food and drinks, but they blew all of their money on souvenirs and jewelry in the first week and were drinking like fish, really blowing my budget. I finally drew the line - I'll buy the first round, after that, pick a sailor and let him buy your drinks!

All in all, it was an epic 30 day party with me in the lab for 20 -30 minutes from 10 - 1030am, then floating on the water in Waikiki till 4pm, happy hr at Mooses, followed by free dinner and cheap drinks and dancing till 2am, sleeping from 2-9am, drive to Pearl Harbor by 10am and rinse and repeat. My credit cards took a massive beating!    :lol:

I recommend a car, or a laptop. I'm partial to the LG Gram 17", the lightest fastest notebook on the market. I put in a 1TB NVME drive in mine and it's a screamer that weighs less than 4 lbs. If you want to get her a car, I highly recommend a Camry. Between 2 Camrys covering 26 yrs, total repair costs so far is $24. The new Camry comes with free maintenance!  

I can tell you what NOT to give her...   a month long trip to Waikiki. It was supposed to be a month long honeymoon with my wife, to make up for it being about 15 months late. Then the step daughter graduated from HS and without thinking, I offered to take her along as well. Why not? The condo rental and car rental were already covered, all we had to do was buy an extra plane ticket for the step daughter and she was covered. Right? Wrong. 

The wife pointed out to me in no uncertain terms that only a total idiot (her version had a lot more EFF bombs in it) would invite an 18 yr old girl for a month long honeymoon with her mother. OK, my bad, I was trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. I nearly got stoned. Then Missy begged me to invite her best friend Tracy to go as well. I caved in, my wife almost gave me a craniotomy and told me I was certifiable. That was just the start of the problems.

As a fairly low paid sailor, we'd been saving for this for about 6 months. I was in a 3 month school and they showed up for the 3rd month. The teenage girls brought fake IDs. Fake Hawai'i IDs. The first night at Moose's, the bouncer burst out in laughter, ripped them in half and told the girls they didn't even look anything like a HI DL. After a new bouncer showed up, the girls walked up with us and didn't even get carded, since the stepdaughter looked like my wife's sister. I had told them to save up a lot of money for food and drinks, but they blew all of their money on souvenirs and jewelry in the first week and were drinking like fish, really blowing my budget. I finally drew the line - I'll buy the first round, after that, pick a sailor and let him buy your drinks!

All in all, it was an epic 30 day party with me in the lab for 20 -30 minutes from 10 - 1030am, then floating on the water in Waikiki till 4pm, happy hr at Mooses, followed by free dinner and cheap drinks and dancing till 2am, sleeping from 2-9am, drive to Pearl Harbor by 10am and rinse and repeat. My credit cards took a massive beating!    :lol:

I recommend a car, or a laptop. I'm partial to the LG Gram 17", the lightest fastest notebook on the market. I put in a 1TB NVME drive in mine and it's a screamer that weighs less than 4 lbs. If you want to get her a car, I highly recommend a Camry. Between 2 Camrys covering 26 yrs, total repair costs so far is $24. The new Camry comes with free maintenance!  
she has a newer camry already lol!

If I had a daughter it would be a Rolex. Which is exactly why my wife doesn’t want me to have a daughter. She’s be a spoiled little useless chit to the world. But my princess. 

How about a brand new Springfield SA-35 and about 1000 rds and some close quarters pistola training . 👍

Good Question, I'll read the replies and remember for next year when I'm the same boat.


Does she have any hobbies with aftermarket support? 

Could give her part cash and part investment that cant be touched until she is 25. 

Then at 25 she will see first hand how quick the cash disappeared into nothing. Might not even remember what she spent it on. While the investment hopefully grew. 

Buy her one of those name brand purses she has always wanted, If she doesn't want one of them get her a softball glove and a flannel shirt.

I took my daughter to Cabo for a week, my son's both got new Laptops for College.  We are not huge gift givers in our family...............for the most part we try to do something as a family on these occasions, dinner, maybe a part......Cabo was out of the norm for us.
