Good Gravy We’re Stupid

I've always enjoyed the live street interviews......Amazing how many people are clueless! Peace

I'd like to see how many they polled to actually come up with their stats. 

So if actual numbers are 5% more Republicans in America than Democrats then how did we get here???

Only logical explanation is it’s them damn bisexual Native American Muslim Jews.

So let us take this to Sand Rails.

What percentage of sand rails are

Beam front axle

Type one transaxle

Bus transaxle

2D transaxle

2 seat cars

Single seat cars

Have Radios in them

Use regular 87 octane pump gas

Have been on there lid


Vocal minority (mostly virtue signaling) with full on support of MSM and social platforms have twisted the truth. 

In a poll a couple yrs ago, those who identified as liberal estimated that over 1k unarmed blacks were killed by police every yr when the real number was around 20.

We are living in an idiocracy. Now drink your Brawndo and shut up!

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So if actual numbers are 5% more Republicans in America than Democrats then how did we get here???

Only logical explanation is it’s them damn bisexual Native American Muslim Jews.
Transgender sir.

need a good dose of reality..............  this guy kills me.
Texted this poll to a buddy, he didn't believe it.  I sent him the Mt Rushmore video as a reply.  LOL

It's got what plants crave.

Heard a younger (voted in 2020) ‘adult’ say, I’m voting Biden because Harris is hot…. 

Here’s your sign!
All she does is laugh to deflect the questions and issues, does not have a clue.

Oh Yea, southern border is OK, nothing to worry about, move along!!


Heard a younger (voted in 2020) ‘adult’ say, I’m voting Biden because Harris is hot…. 

Here’s your sign!
I "hear" if you take Viagra and have a erection that lasts for over four hours. When you go contact your doctor all he does is play a tape of that hyena laughing.

I "hear" if you take Viagra and have a erection that lasts for over four hours. When you go contact your doctor all he does is play a tape of that hyena laughing.
that would do it............  LOL
