good covid and vax video

Alex Berenson is saying something similar. He says that if you look at the data from Israel, where pretty much everyone got vaccinated, it appears that the vaccine isn't working and may be creating more dangerous varients.

I would say control, power and money.  Still doesn't make sense but evil people do evil stuff.  
I think this is what is driving the push for booster shots too.

The FDA scientist voted overwhelmingly not to recommend the booster for most people. They recommended it for high risk and those over 65 though. Some of their top scientist resigned due to the booster being pushed by the Biden admin contrary to what FDA recommended.

The NIH director just came out and indicated that it is waiting for more data to make a final decision on the booster. I translate that as meaning no matter what the FDA scientist say, they WILL approve it.

It's not about the science, it's about the $$$. Billions of $$$.

I don't think I've ever forwarded or posted any link to a video before. I was talking to one of my friends in Florida he got informed from a head of a medical company about this very thing I just posted. And then I saw this video a day later. Very scary stuff.

Not sure how long it will be up
That’s some scary chit right there. Wonder why we can’t hear both sides of the story on the evening news???

Still waiting to be fired from my DoD job like they’re promising.

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20 years ago or so, when the crazy conspiracy theorists talked about "The New World Order", a one world government, massive depopulation is part of the agenda. Today we have Australian health Officials giving press conferences and using the term New world order. It's also clear globalists are real and not a conspiracy theory. 

When these vaccines first came out there where experts warning that this would happen. They where blocked for spreading disinformation. 

The FDA scientist voted overwhelmingly not to recommend the booster for most people. They recommended it for high risk and those over 65 though. Some of their top scientist resigned due to the booster being pushed by the Biden admin contrary to what FDA recommended
This is the first I have heard of this. Do you a link to there recommendations and about their top scientists resigning. I would love to be able to point some in my family to this, non bias link. Thanks.

This is the first I have heard of this. Do you a link to there recommendations and about their top scientists resigning. I would love to be able to point some in my family to this, non bias link. Thanks.
Here are some links to stories on it. I included both liberal and conservative media reports for balance. You will see cnn and msnbc kind of dance around the reasons for the resignation, while the post and fox give a more pointed reason.

When I posted originally I thought it was 3 or 4, but it was only a couple. There were others that resigned over an Alzheimer's drug which I may have confused with being over the vax.

BTW...the panel that decides on whether to recommend or not voted 16 to 2 NOT to recommend the booster for most individuals.

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. Gates=depopulation. 
So how does that work? Kill off the people who got the shot they are mandating? That will leave the people who don't agree with them and refuse to fall in line, doesn't sound like much of a wonderful place to be Bill Gates.

Or don't get the shot and kill off all of those people who don't ?  Then why are they just about begging the population to get the shot?

Neither scenario passes the smell test. 

If they wanted to kill off millions of people all they would have to do is put something in ranch dressing or cheeto dust. 

If they wanted to kill off millions of people all they would have to do is put something in ranch dressing or cheeto dust. 
Wouldn’t work. Mericans are the only ones who eat that zhiatt. Wipe us out then who would rule the world?

Thanks for the links THD. Now to get sheep to actually think with their own mind instead of just drinking the koolaid*

*That does not mean anyone that has gotten the vax is a koolaid drinker. I just want people to be able to do research, if they want to, and make up their own mind on what is going into their body. Not be forced (mandated) into getting it. If you made the decision to get it , great. If you decided not to get it great. But in both of those options YOU made the decision. 

So how does that work? Kill off the people who got the shot they are mandating? That will leave the people who don't agree with them and refuse to fall in line, doesn't sound like much of a wonderful place to be Bill Gates.

Or don't get the shot and kill off all of those people who don't ?  Then why are they just about begging the population to get the shot?

Neither scenario passes the smell test. 

If they wanted to kill off millions of people all they would have to do is put something in ranch dressing or cheeto dust. 
I would say option  A.

By getting the jab you lose the ability for your immune system to fight off anything else that comes it’s way. Your immune system is is now programmed to only look for the Covid 🦠. It then changes its look and the vaccine is worthless so you need another jab. And round and round we go. Until it becomes a super virus then who knows. Thanks Fauci.  I don’t know the answer  I didn’t think this crap up all I know is stay healthy do your research and take your vitamins and hopefully get a hold of some Ivermectin , Fluvoxamine and pray!!

Gates talking about his solution to global warming. To even suggest such a thing. SMH. 

So I had an epiphany. After a long night of heavy drinking and deep contemplation viola!!! I think I figured it out. 

1). The damn virus was unleashed onto the world in order to take out those that are most vulnerable ex. Elderly, unhealthy, underlying health problems those that are a burden on the healthcare system social security etc. 

2). Those that don’t fall into that category and make it through, (remember ~98% survival rate) well that’s what this so called vaccine rollout is for. To finish the job in slowly killing us off or by making it impossible for ones to be able to have children. Look at Singapore. Close to 80% vaccination and they’ve still managed to DOUBLE their death rate with this recent spike compared to the initial wave where there were 0% vaccination. 

Anyways, Both ways take care of depopulation. Saves the earth from using up all its resources and eliminating the problem with global warming. Make a ton of $$$ Globalist win!!  Man, I need another drink now. 😂

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