Good books

Half way through this one. Another really good one. He really didnt like Neil Armstrong 


Funny you mention reading a good book sausage, I’ve been wanting to get back into book reading again, but wondering what genre. 

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Used to read a couple books a month back in the day and just got too busy and stopped.  I blame Instagram, but it's my fault.  A year ago when my daughter started high school she asked if she could go to Barnes and Noble and buy some books.  I told her to get whatever she wanted.  I used to love browsing B&N just to see what caught my eye.  Usually found some great books.  I used to swap books with a buddy but then the Nook became a thing, then the Nook app on my phone.  You can share a Noon book but it's limited to a couple weeks or some crap.  I miss the feeling of a book in my hand, turning pages, watching the book mark move through and giving me a sense of accomplishment as I read.  Having a book in hand I'd get into some of the best conversations with complete strangers when someone asked "Hey, what are you reading?"  They'd suggest a book, I'd do the same.  No phone numbers exchanged, just social interaction with someone I've never met and would likely never see again.  Great memories.  The past few years I haven't read anything at all.  YouTube, IG, Netflix, etc.  A few months ago I my daughter was telling me about some of the books she had read and it reignited an interest.  I logged into my B&N account to see what I had read and looked for suggestions.  I like true crime, history, and especially books about the story behind the story. 

I rarely read fiction, but back when Game of Thrones was a thing I did read the books.  Loved the show but the books were waaaaay different.  I thought I'd be ahead of the show but the 5th book never came out.

Left of Boom- smart kid who had a thing for leaning languages and went to work at the CIA case officer and infiltrated the Taliban and Al-Queda.  Really good insight to how things were in Afghanistan and Iraq.  

The Pharmacist of Auschwitz- a Jewish doctor working at the camp under Dr. Mengele doing experiments.

They call me Supermensch- Shep Gordon.  He was Alice Cooper's manager, among many many others, and basically started the celebrity chef rage.

Hella Nation- autobiography of Evan Wright, then turns into a bunch of short stories of his interactions with various interviewees.

Currently reading Smugglers End- true story of Barry Seal the cocaine smuggler Tom Cruise played in American Made.  Written by an FBI agent that worked the case.  As usual the book is very different then the movie.  Spoiler alert- Seal never worked for the CIA and was shot to death by the Escobar cartel for flipping on them.  He was a very good pilot and drug dealer and that's about all the movie kept true.  

Funny you mention reading a good book sausage, I’ve been wanting to get back into book reading again, but wondering what genre. 

I thought the same thing yesterday Sndsamplr. Peace

I enjoy reading a lot, however, I only make time to do while camping. I wake up very early in the morning each day for work and that carries over into camping. I typically get up an hour earlier than every one else. I enjoy fighting a spot at the picnic table or a camping chair and knock out a few chapters. A few years back I came across a list of 100 books you must read before you die. I've read a few but find some are just not my style. I'd like to power through them but it just hasn't happened yet. Some books I recommend are:

A Man's Search for Meaning: Viktor E. Frankl was a holocaust survivor. The first part of the book is his story of surviving. The second part gets a little psychological for me but is good nonetheless. Next time you feel like life isn't going your way, read this book. You will count you blessings that you didn't have to go through what they did. Must read for teenagers who may feel a bit entitled sometimes.

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: Great book about Native Americans when us white men got here.

I pretty much read all the true crime books Mark Fuhrman wrote. Death and Justice was good. The OJ book (don't remember the name) was also good. 

Going to Idaho in a couple weeks. I think I'll need to find a couple books.


I think my next book will be ZIG ZIGLAR...OVER THE TOP. Peace

Used to read a couple books a month back in the day and just got too busy and stopped.  I blame Instagram, but it's my fault.  A year ago when my daughter started high school she asked if she could go to Barnes and Noble and buy some books.  I told her to get whatever she wanted.  I used to love browsing B&N just to see what caught my eye.  Usually found some great books.  I used to swap books with a buddy but then the Nook became a thing, then the Nook app on my phone.  You can share a Noon book but it's limited to a couple weeks or some crap.  I miss the feeling of a book in my hand, turning pages, watching the book mark move through and giving me a sense of accomplishment as I read.  Having a book in hand I'd get into some of the best conversations with complete strangers when someone asked "Hey, what are you reading?"  They'd suggest a book, I'd do the same.  No phone numbers exchanged, just social interaction with someone I've never met and would likely never see again.  Great memories.  The past few years I haven't read anything at all.  YouTube, IG, Netflix, etc.  A few months ago I my daughter was telling me about some of the books she had read and it reignited an interest.  I logged into my B&N account to see what I had read and looked for suggestions.  I like true crime, history, and especially books about the story behind the story. 

I rarely read fiction, but back when Game of Thrones was a thing I did read the books.  Loved the show but the books were waaaaay different.  I thought I'd be ahead of the show but the 5th book never came out.

Left of Boom- smart kid who had a thing for leaning languages and went to work at the CIA case officer and infiltrated the Taliban and Al-Queda.  Really good insight to how things were in Afghanistan and Iraq.  

The Pharmacist of Auschwitz- a Jewish doctor working at the camp under Dr. Mengele doing experiments.

They call me Supermensch- Shep Gordon.  He was Alice Cooper's manager, among many many others, and basically started the celebrity chef rage.

Hella Nation- autobiography of Evan Wright, then turns into a bunch of short stories of his interactions with various interviewees.

Currently reading Smugglers End- true story of Barry Seal the cocaine smuggler Tom Cruise played in American Made.  Written by an FBI agent that worked the case.  As usual the book is very different then the movie.  Spoiler alert- Seal never worked for the CIA and was shot to death by the Escobar cartel for flipping on them.  He was a very good pilot and drug dealer and that's about all the movie kept true.  
Left of boom is a good one.

i prefer reading books, but with how Crapty radio is in san diego i’ve downloaded the “libby” app which is an app associated with yore local library and i do alot of audio books

Left of boom is a good one.

i prefer reading books, but with how Crapty radio is in san diego i’ve downloaded the “libby” app which is an app associated with yore local library and i do alot of audio books
My buddy I used to trade books with switched to books 'on tape' because he's in sales and drives a lot.  I was the same for my transport business but never tried the audio books.  I've had SIRIUS since 2003/04 (not renewing again) so I've always had something to listen to and now I have Spotify and there are so many pod casts to check out.  I used to scroll through IG before going to sleep but when I started reading again I made a point to read before crashing out (damn, I'm getting old AF).  

My buddy I used to trade books with switched to books 'on tape' because he's in sales and drives a lot.  I was the same for my transport business but never tried the audio books.  I've had SIRIUS since 2003/04 (not renewing again) so I've always had something to listen to and now I have Spotify and there are so many pod casts to check out.  I used to scroll through IG before going to sleep but when I started reading again I made a point to read before crashing out (damn, I'm getting old AF).  
Check out agent storm. This dood was a polish biker turned muslim who was tight with al Qaeda and eventually became an agent against them 


The Avengers by Rich Cohen. It’s about the Jewish resistance in Eastern Europe during the Holocaust. Probably the best book I’ve read. Gives a completely different perspective on the situation. 


I started reading the Bosch series by Michael Connelly. They were so good it took me into the Lincoln Lawyer series by the same author. 
That took me into the author John Grisham who has a lot of lawyer books. I’ve half way through the second book of his, but so far they have been really good. A few of his books have been made into movies, pelican brief and the firm and a few others I think. 
