Glamis dune storage gate app


New member
Aug 19, 2021
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Does any one remember the site code to get the gate app to work for storage? 


You have the same thing I have. 

Was there anything special with key code? I can not get it to work for some reason. My buddy’s was working then I logged him out of his now can’t get his to work lol! 

When we signed up a couple weeks ago the guy said the system was a work in progress.

Site ID is correct.

Make sure your space number is correct.

Your passcode is usually part of your DL#

When we signed up a couple weeks ago the guy said the system was a work in progress.
The whole place is a "work in progress" aka a dump. Remember if you need to dump your tanks after Thanksgiving and you know the dump station will be closed, Desert RV has a dump station, 20 buck. Just don't complain or the little prick will kick you out and steal your money.

As for getting in just follow one of the trailer pirates in. 
