Getting old king shocks stickers off shocks?


New member
May 6, 2021
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I've got some weathered looking decals on my shocks.  What's the trick to getting them off?    It took me about 2 hours to remove one of them completely including the residue.    7 to go.    

I've done a few sets of King's and Fox's and the stickers come off fairly easily.  King stickers bigger and take more time is all I've noticed.  I use a razor blade to peel up a corner then peel whatever I can.  At an hour per shock my price to Steel-It coat shocks would not be worth it.



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The one I managed to get off came off in tiny little pieces, took forever and of course left all the residue behind.    There's gotta be an easier way

The one I managed to get off came off in tiny little pieces, took forever and of course left all the residue behind.    There's gotta be an easier way
Not sure what to tell you man.  I've done at least 10 sets of shocks, Fox and King, and the stickers weren't an issue.  I use mineral spirits and a scouring pad to remove the residue.

I have used a heat gun while the shocks were apart. It made it alot easier to take off with very little residue left behind 

Sounds like a royal PITA. Maybe call Cactus Tint to see if they have any magic ideas. 

I used a razor blade and heat on mine, still have to get the residue off but will use acetone, carb cleaner, or mineral spirits and scotch bright to do that.

does anyone know where to get new black ones? Can’t get ahold of King directly, doesn’t seem Kartek has them.

I used a razor blade and heat on mine, still have to get the residue off but will use acetone, carb cleaner, or mineral spirits and scotch bright to do that.

does anyone know where to get new black ones? Can’t get ahold of King directly, doesn’t seem Kartek has them.
Tons on eBay

King is a PITA to get ahold of but they will send you them for free or at least used to.

How about some Goof Off to remove the residue. 
I want to remove my stickers as well plus pull off the coils and get them powder coated. 

I used a flat razor blade in a handle and scraped it off. Came off almost perfectly clean in little strips. Then used some acetone on a rag to get the left over residue off. 

BTW... If you need any replacement King stickers for Rebound/Compression/Resi I have some black ones left over that King sent me. 
