George Santos Expulsion from Congress


Well-known member
May 3, 2021
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The House voted to expel George Santos (R- NY).  Shocker... :sarcasm:

What are your thoughts?

Mine?  He should have never been in the running.  George Santos is living proof that voting should not be a right.  I'm pretty sure those that voted for him in the first place only voted because he is gay and young, not because he really serves any purpose.

My only concern on this is that they will replace him with a liberal now.

100% they will replace him with a liberal.  The guy is a tool for sure.

There are corrupt politicians and there are politicians that commit fraud, but Santos is next level on every level. It's unbelievable the amount of chit he did and will go down for.  Do you know how hard it is to actually get kicked out of Congress ? ? ?

Scum is scum, regardless of party. Good riddance azzhat.

He is scum, just like most of the democrats like Omar, Talib, Swalwell, Schiff, etc.....

By doing this, you just set a bad precedence that allows peers, rather than voters, to remove someone from office. This will have lasting consequences. 

Albeit we know voters are not smart either. How do these fools get in?    

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Good riddance, but who these days is a GOOD replacement?

There are none that would actually get a spot.

Roots of corruption are DEEP.

