GD member desperately in need of So CA LEO help.......


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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So I am wrapped up in a transaction with a stolen vehicle. (I am 1000% the victim as I paid fair market value for a car with a clean carfax) and the car is now reported stolen. Not stolen on any carfax, vinaudit, etc. database I can find, but supposedly on NCIC database (I cannot access that as I am not LEO). Is there anyone here who can at least pull a copy of an LAPD police report and email it to me? As the new buyer; my name is not on title, so LAPD has no real interest in helping me. There is $125k at stake...... :((
Just a question, did you pull insurance on the car before the actual transaction?

If so call your insurance company and explain and I'm sure they will figure it out?

There isn't any detectives in LA that will return the call for a fraud case like this?

So I am wrapped up in a transaction with a stolen vehicle. (I am 1000% the victim as I paid fair market value for a car with a clean carfax) and the car is now reported stolen. Not stolen on any carfax, vinaudit, etc. database I can find, but supposedly on NCIC database (I cannot access that as I am not LEO). Is there anyone here who can at least pull a copy of an LAPD police report and email it to me? As the new buyer; my name is not on title, so LAPD has no real interest in helping me. There is $125k at stake...... :((

How did you find out the vehicle is "reported stolen"?

Do you have possession currently?
No, LAPD does not want to help as my name is not on title yet (I was in process of titling car when it was impounded). Yes I have insurance on the car. Car only showed as stolen on NCIC (which only law enforcement can access) so essentially carfax is garbage...... Car was impounded by Reno DMV/Sheriff dept.
Hopefully someone can get you some help.... that is a crappy situation. Did you buy the vehicle private party or through a dealer? and is this a street car we're talking about or an off-road toy?
That sux. Is this one of those deals where someone bought it, didn't register it, and then resold it to you? Do you know who the last owner, on paper, is?
Is it possibly a theft recovery that hasn't updated? Where is the seller? Was it a real title? Was his name on that title? How did LEO get a hold of it? Did they ask you to bring it to DMV? This is fucking crazy! Only reason I don't buy private party. Hopefully it was a dealer and you have some recourse. Good luck.
Sucks but i have learned signed title in hand when buying.If no title go to the bank who holds it,
He posted something about this a while back. If I remember correctly the dmv called the cops on him when he went to register it.
The car does not show as stolen on any database I can search (carfax, etc). Apparently when I went to register it at NV DMV; the VIN shows as stolen on NCIC. (national criminal database that only law enforcement has access to). Guy I bought it from is a wealthy ($2m+ in cars) guy and did not know it was stolen (which I believe). I do feel that the guy he bought it from 'had to know' it was stolen. I txt both of them 10x/day saying I want (1) the car back or (2) my $$ back or a court resolution. I'm fine with any of those outcomes. The car was impounded and was released to the person who reported it stolen (it was a leasing company when lessee missed two payments).

Such a F'd situation, because I have never broken any real laws in my life and I did A LOT of research on the seller and the history of the car before I wired the money. # wife is not happy with me either..........
that is true; dmv called washoe county sheriff when I was trying to register the car. Immediately they knew (probably did a quick background check) that I was not the guilty party. (FWIW, I have passed very high level FBI and ATF background checks for various pew-pews and ccw in NV. My background is as clean as it gets and sheriff listed me as a 'victim' of this crime.) Sheriff was very cool with me and we joked around a lot (as they were impounding my dream car).
This happened to a good friend and a board member, Vehicle had a cloned title, at the end of the day, he lost the vehicle. and was out the money, was fighting this for a year now, and law enforcement tried to go after him, he was in this around a 80K loss,
This happened to a good friend and a board member, Vehicle had a cloned title, at the end of the day, he lost the vehicle. and was out the money, was fighting this for a year now, and law enforcement tried to go after him, he was in this around a 80K loss,
@Jalper - sounds similar. LEO knows I'm not the problem, BUT I'm still out the $$. I think the scam went like this: Shady 25 year old Romanian soccer player leases a fancy car from shady 'mafia' leasing company in LA (you can search Midway leasing on F' book). Shady 25 year old (with no credit history) puts car in storage when his soccer team leaves the US. No one pays the storage fees and storage company auctions the car off. That is effectively a lien sale and wipes out the CA title. Another clown buys the contents of storage facility and registers the car in FL with lien sale documentation. This guy sells it to the guy I bought it from (at that point it had perfectly clear FL title) and the rest you guys know..... So F'd, but kind of a good scam - I have to admit. If it was a scam and not just a bunch on coincidences......... :/
Lookup the NMVTIS, should give you an actual title trail.
That is effectively a lien sale and wipes out the CA title
I don't see how this is possibly true....if the car was "hiding" in a storage unit, it would have still been the property of the Leasing company. They would have had to go thru the lien sale process, where the leasing company would have gotten notice that the car was being sold.
My good friend, She found a car from Facebook, met the person at there so called apartment complex, was not where they lived,
The person had a fake ID of the apartment complex, but did not live there, the car was stolen BUT, they purchased factory door tags and factory tags for under the window, ( you can purchase these tags from the dealer with a fake title ) Title was good on the VIN, but the VIN was not the correct VIN for this vehicle, After she purchased the Vehicle cash,
When she tried to register it, the smog machine and the data was not matching, smog guy said this is not the VIN in the ECM, the found a VIN on the Frame that matched the ECM and did not match the VIN installed, DNV was notified, and they took the truck,
Then came to her work trying to pin the stolen vehicle on her.
What a crap show,
The last time I brought a car private party, I had the seller meet me at AAA. We did the transfer of ownership right there on the spot, and I left with new plates, the vehicle registered in my name and a fresh new pink slip as well.

Any LEGIT seller would want it done this way. Why?

The registered owner is LIABLE for any damage the vehicle causes. So he would want Proof, the vehicle was no longer registered to him, as soon as the pink changes hands.

No pink. No sale.

The OP's situation sucks bad. 😞
I don't see how this is possibly true....if the car was "hiding" in a storage unit, it would have still been the property of the Leasing company. They would have had to go thru the lien sale process, where the leasing company would have gotten notice that the car was being sold.
Not sure. We donated a car and I failed to send in the release of liability. Auction sold the car but never did anything with the title and a month later I had a detective call me from 3 states away that the car was involved in felony crimes.
I had to jump through a bunch of hoops with the org that I donated the car to prove it was out of my possession when the crimes happened.
Was not cool at all. Now I fill out that release of liability on everything and dont trust anyone to do their part in transitioning titles like they are supposed to.