Powerball pool?


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
Reaction score
Anybody interested in starting  a powerball pool on the board?

Jackpot is at $575m

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I am buying my ticket this afternoon and will post it.

Same rules as before, each line you purchase will equal 1 share of the winnings, the jackpot and the $1m prizes will be split among participants, any other prize is the ticket holders and not split, and must have written on the ticket and and a photo of the ticket posted before the drawing takes place (8pm the night of the drawing).

If I missed anything please add or correct the rules, I'm going off memory and probably missed something.

I rarely play Powerball but would love to win with you THD! Peace

Ticket Bought! Post it up tomorrow morning! Peace

Damm....... forgot to stop & pick some up.  Maybe a walk this afternoon.

The more that play the better the ODDS. Peace

Can't win if we don't play. How cool would that be to meet at the winning table? Great story for life! Peace
