Gavin Lets PGE Literally Get Away With Murder

Sounds about right for Newsome.  He is such a d-bag. 

F*CK Gavin Newsom!

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BTW, we paid $6.7M to private firms to draft this bill to protect PG&E...

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And PG&E's fine for killing 84 people through criminal negligence?  $10k per:

PG&E instead paid the maximum fine of $10,000 for each manslaughter victim, an amount of money PG&E earns every 17 seconds from its vast state-licensed monopoly over the power supply to four out of every ten Californians.

Taxpayers are just another brick in the wall...

Never in my life have I felt more like we were all headed for the Meat Grinder.

Mandated Vaccinations, Legislation protecting the Drug Companies. How many years until we see the late night commercials on "Were you or your family injured by the ABC123 Vaccine? "

Shameful how the .GOV is protecting them.

10 minutes ago, Crusty said:

Taxpayers are just another brick in the wall...

Never in my life have I felt more like we were all headed for the Meat Grinder.

We won't see those commercials since you won't be able to sue...
