Fumoto drain valve


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2021
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Anyone running these on Sandcars with success? If so, anyone have the part # for an LS2? Pic attached of oil pan. 


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Subscribed as I have considered running on my car as well. Was worried about the overall vibration and if it could break off.

I don't think they work that well when you have the car flipped over like that... would make it easier to install, but using it, I think you want the car right side up. 

With a skid plate in place I see no issues or concerns. I use them on most of my personal stuff that I change the oil on. The only downside is the time it takes to drain.  I could remove the skid plate, remove the factory drain plug, drain, replace the plug, clean and install the skid plate faster than what it will take to drain with the Fumoto valve and hose.

IIRC there was a thread on here some time ago about them & quite a few folks use them.  the p/n was in it that fit the GM pan.  I bought one, to install it during the off season, but with the proximity to the frame and the skid plate on my buggy it would have been just as big a pain as removing the skid plate & putting a wrench on it. I think I still have it somewhere if anyone wants the p/n.

EDIT; I checked my amazon account........ I think this is it.


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I don't think they work that well when you have the car flipped over like that... would make it easier to install, but using it, I think you want the car right side up. 
Haha you’d think whoever runs this website would have figured out how to fix this? All pics I post come in upside down, unless I resize the image. 

I ran one on my sand rail for years and never had a problem. I would put a tube on it and let it drain. I didn't care about how long it took. I usually just let it drain for hours and do other projects. 

If I remember correctly I safety wired it somehow so the lever would be impossible to open and also I put a rubber cap on the end to keep sand out. 

I have ran the EZ oil drain brand one on my F350 for years with no issues, and I also ran it on my sandbar with a LS2 with no issues either. Super easy to drain with no spill and no leaks.

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I have one one everything that I own from my pusher to my 4 seater with an LS3. Never had an issue with any of them. By the way, my buggy sees more hard packet desert than the sand so if there was going to be a vibration issue I would definitely be more prone to it. 

I don't have them on anything I own, but only because I didn't see the need.  I've prepped several cars that do have them and they drain sloooow AF.  When I prep a car it's usually fluids and filters meaning engine oil/filter and diff fluid so I'm pulling the skid plate anyway.  No advantage to the Fumoto valve at that point.  

I used to have one on my sandcar but it now has a dry sump. Used to spray carb cleaner on it after draining and nothing would stick to it.

I've had one on both my diesel trucks. No issues.
