

Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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Damn toys! Always something making me scratch my head.

Turned on the fridge, had the 'Auto' switch on and it goes to gas (like it's supposed to - not plugged in), starts getting cold, check it before bed and all is good. Wake up to fill the fridge and its not cold. Check light is on. 

Plenty of propane, burners on stove still working great. Turn it off/on goes to 'check' several times.

Eff it get the cooler - going camping. Get there and plug in. Fridge works fine for 3 days.

Unplug and come home, 'Auto' switch is still on and the fridge has switched to gas like it is supposed to and the damn thing stays on!!! 

Leave it on over night and still working fine.

Anyone have an idea? Air bubble in the gas line? Not likely. Gremlins? Just because?


Stuff can get in the jet and tube to the burner. Spider webs, etc. I blow it out with air. 
I also heard that there is a recall on certain makes and models regarding the propane circuit. 

I'm on my second WW (first one bought new in 07/08) and I can tell you that those darn fridges give me fits all the time. Like you mentioned with the check light going on/off, etc. Seems to me that after a few days, it starts to work pretty good and will actually freeze things in the freezer (doesn't do well the first couple of days).

They drive me nuts, but I think it's just cheap junk. When you're in Glamis and have access to buying ice from those darn trucks or eating at vendor at least you have back-up plans. But if you're dry camping with no access to additional IC or food, it gets pretty lame. I don't like drinking warm booze either.. LOL

Good luck.



Like FOG said, insects like to make their homes in there sometimes. I found a pretty big mud dauber nest in my fridge's burner area one time. It doesn't take much to mess up the flame pattern.

Something else people don't think about are birds making nests under the vent cover for the fridge, like all Weekend Warriors have.

I had that a couple of times and when I took off my side cover, it was full of junk.  Could start a fire.

I now cover the vent on my roof whenever I store it.

I left my storage lot and looked around, there were at least a hand full of trailers with birds nests under the roof vent cover.

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All good info, the thing that gets me is it started fine and ran for several hours then went to check mode. I have had them hard to start or not start at all but to stop after hours of operation. 

When plugged into 50 amp there were no hiccups. And then worked great on gas.

I was level when I first started it. Also cleaned out a few webs under the vent cover on the back/outside of the fridge.

On my old 5th wheel I'd have to put a stick lighter in there to get it to light once in a while but then it ran great after that. I tried that on this one and you can see and hear the propane flowing but it would not stay lit.

It not only takes propane but 12vdc as well.  So maybe your battery level was low and it wouldn't ire off the igniter?  Then once you drove to the camp site you charged battery's enough.

Batteries were good,,,it had been sitting in storage for a month without driving it. So maybe but I have 2 8d coach and 1 8d starting batteries. I don't have solar and its not plugged in, in storage. I do turn the batteries off while in storage.

Just went through the whole 9 yards with mine. Try first turning fridge to gas, not auto and see if this make any difference. Be careful. I thought I had nine fixed only to have the flame blown out of the burner box out in the dunes on a very windy night and set the back off fridge on fire. Burned a lot of stuff and I was lucky to discover in time or could have been fatal. Happened in middle of night and just happen to hear something that woke me. Decided I was not going to play repair man  any longer and bought new.​
Check the burner. My fridge was running for 5 months straight and started shutting off. The burner flame was weak when I checked it. Knocked some carbon build up off and it's been good ever since.

All good info, the thing that gets me is it started fine and ran for several hours then went to check mode. I have had them hard to start or not start at all but to stop after hours of operation. 

When plugged into 50 amp there were no hiccups. And then worked great on gas.

I was level when I first started it. Also cleaned out a few webs under the vent cover on the back/outside of the fridge.

On my old 5th wheel I'd have to put a stick lighter in there to get it to light once in a while but then it ran great after that. I tried that on this one and you can see and hear the propane flowing but it would not stay lit.
You could hear propane flowing but it would not stay light. That seems a bit odd, if you have gas it will burn. Also the circuit board does need 12v to operate. If its low enough it will shut down. 

Ill pay more attention to the batteries. I only have the stock/coach switch that shows Good & Low. Need to get that solar to keep em topped off!
