Found On My Driveway Gate……

6:30 am ……… like yesterday: 1st picture……. Same morning at 11:30am today, 2nd picture.

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View attachment 6539
Gregor, is that you Gregor?


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I know what you can add to your getting ready for glamis saturday post! :lmao:

So, for all the caterpillar knows is his life as he knew it is gone. Then a new life will begin.  

Tadpoles live in water never able to go above surface. Then one day the whole thing changes and becomes a frog and must live on the other side.

When I’m not in Glamis !.... I’m getting Ready——- to pull a chair out and watch my Catti the caterpillar!!!.....

That is so cool that you are seeing it change. I don't have pics of the morphs, but here are a few neat ones. The white one isn't actually a Caterpillar, but a grub of a wood burrowing, flying beetle. They shoot green "poison" out of their head when you pick them up. I believe the red one is/will be a Goliath moth. I would like to see other bugs and critters that you have out west. I have pics of other things from here, also.


