for those with Cal Fair Plan.... question on wrap around


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May 5, 2021
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Hey guys..

Question for everyone with California Fair Plan, Who are you using for your wrap around Policy?

i was just notified by my Agent that my Farmers wrap around policy will TRIPLE on renewal next month, from $700 to $2200. The CFP policy only went up $200 

I do want a reputable company!! sister gave me a contact of Pacific Specialty, and when i googled them, they didnt look so hot!!  I understand getting it cheap, but god forbid you have a claim, youd like to get taken care of! 


Welcome to homeowners insurance in CA in 2023... the  State Dept of Insurance has been denying the rate increase requests.... ALL the companies are BLEEDING money.... that is why most won't take new customers and why they are charging every cent they can now.  

Not going to get better until the states pulls it's head out of it's ass....any bets on when that will happen. 

Do the best  you can. 

Welcome to homeowners insurance in CA in 2023... the  State Dept of Insurance has been denying the rate increase requests.... ALL the companies are BLEEDING money.... that is why most won't take new customers and why they are charging every cent they can now.  

Not going to get better until the states pulls it's head out of it's ass....any bets on when that will happen. 

Do the best  you can. 
The Future, We will all be forced to buy insurance thru the State.  Insurance companies are fleecing the state.

I’ve got 2 properties with fair plan, and both of them with wrap around through farmers. It is extremely expensive compared to what I used to pay with traditional policies. I know that doesn’t help you much, but in the area I’m in that’s pretty much all that is available. So know your not alone in this bs

we owned a Condo in Santee CA near a regional park.  we were renting it out, so Technically a "business". (we just sold it last week, partly due to this insanity)

we had our condo policy through American Modern, which insured the "from the drywall in".

The HOA changed the Bylaws that reclassified these as "connected homes".  this forced the home owners to have to get "homeowners policies" which insured the whole houses (stucco in). The reason is that the HOA could not get a policy for the property that was not 5 or 7 times what we they paying (for less coverage), and this change in classification of the homes made a huge difference (as stupid as it might sound). 

American Modern said "I'm out".  the only option we had was to goto the CA Fair Plan for the "fire insurance" & to Aegis for the "DIC" (yes that is correct, Difference In Conditions) which is everything else (water, electrical, someone gets hurt, etc). 

All told it almost tripled. 

the agent who sold us the Aegis policy is a bit of an insurance nerd & spoke a bunch about what @Realbadlarry was talking about.  there are a number of companies coming back into CA now, but they are being VERY selective, and rentals are super hard to get the DIC policies.  this is also going to affect Auto & Umbrella policies as well.  our Auto went up 15% last month, with no other changes in anything...... 


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All part of "their" plan to make us live inside boxes in utopian communes.

my damn auto insurance here in okla went up 300 per month, we have 6 vehicles and a 5th wheel and a car hauler.

my newest vehicle is a 2012 and goes backwards from there lol.

my damn auto insurance here in okla went up 300 per month, we have 6 vehicles and a 5th wheel and a car hauler.

my newest vehicle is a 2012 and goes backwards from there lol.
All my policies will expire between July and October ( House, Truck ,Warrior & Can-Am) I am sure State Farm will find a reason to increase profits , I mean premiums, Even though I have yet to make a single Homeowners claim, WW claim or an at fault claim in 5 years.   Might just send out a preemptive strike and hit up some of the other company's to see what they will charge me to be protected by them.

All my policies will expire between July and October ( House, Truck ,Warrior & Can-Am) I am sure State Farm will find a reason to increase profits , I mean premiums, Even though I have yet to make a single Homeowners claim, WW claim or an at fault claim in 5 years.   Might just send out a preemptive strike and hit up some of the other company's to see what they will charge me to be protected by them.
good luck with that.....BTW St Farm has be losing Hundreds of Millions of Dollars over the last few years..... Not ONE single insurance company has shown a profit in CA in years. This isn't an Insurance company's a country wide problem... last time it was like this was 2008.....we know how that ended. 

All my policies will expire between July and October ( House, Truck ,Warrior & Can-Am) I am sure State Farm will find a reason to increase profits , I mean premiums, Even though I have yet to make a single Homeowners claim, WW claim or an at fault claim in 5 years.   Might just send out a preemptive strike and hit up some of the other company's to see what they will charge me to be protected by them.
I tried to get ahead of it with Stillwater on my auto policy, but they would not comment because it was outside of the 45 day period they are required to give me if they are going to non-renew.  They still would not say anything until 28 or 29 days, when they sent me the renewal (at a higher rate.)  Honesty.... I was super happy they renewed it and just paid it... 

My umbrella and home owners will expire along with the auto this fall.....  hoping more companies come back into the market and bring costs down....  not holding my breath though.

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Im out. I still have fire through statefarm at 3k$/year it goes up about 25% year over last 4 years. I think they are purposely destroying the insurance industry in an effort to eliminate private property. Pretty soon you will only rent/lease your house , car, etc in this state. They will make it impossible to get a loan in this state due to lack of viable insurance. Socialism isnt comming its here. But im just a panic peddler as many will say. This poo matters, “but hey a new episode of yellowstone is on; maybe i’ll care later”

want to have some fun. We keep hearing about the federal reserve. Research what exactly that really is and who runs it. 

hint: its not the people its 12 private banks (not all domestic banks ontop of that) That are making a fortune and enslaving all of us.

they are more powerful than all branches of govt combined because they own them  

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i paid over $8k for Fire insurance last year on my home (class 10 fire hazard area, now Farmers says they are not renewing this year.  my agent says don't worry "i got you covered" we shall see.

... I think they are purposely destroying the insurance industry in an effort to eliminate private property. Pretty soon you will only rent/lease your house , car, etc in this state. They will make it impossible to get a loan in this state due to lack of viable insurance...
Not disagreeing with this, The part I can't really see is who is going to own everything and be the landlord? The govt? Even if that was the case that would take years...and years to transfer over. And before that happens I think you would be seeing a ton of Ruby Ridge stories with people and their houses. Man I hope we don't get to that point.

Not disagreeing with this, The part I can't really see is who is going to own everything and be the landlord? The govt? Even if that was the case that would take years...and years to transfer over. And before that happens I think you would be seeing a ton of Ruby Ridge stories with people and their houses. Man I hope we don't get to that point.
The progressive dems are in this for the LONG haul...that is the problem with the republicans....they don't get that they are playing to took them 70+ yrs to destroy the education system....they finally did....if it takes them 100 years to destroy private property ownership...they are good with that....don't underestimate the enemy... they are in this till the end. 

The progressive dems are in this for the LONG haul...that is the problem with the republicans....they don't get that they are playing to took them 70+ yrs to destroy the education system....they finally did....if it takes them 100 years to destroy private property ownership...they are good with that....don't underestimate the enemy... they are in this till the end. 

“Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations that've long since bought and paid for, the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pocket, and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and the information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I'll tell you what they don't want. They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don't want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They're not interested in that. That doesn't help them.”
― George Carlin 

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Not disagreeing with this, The part I can't really see is who is going to own everything and be the landlord? The govt? Even if that was the case that would take years...and years to transfer over. And before that happens I think you would be seeing a ton of Ruby Ridge stories with people and their houses. Man I hope we don't get to that point.
Not the govt. the fed

They already own your house, and all your debt. Nothing to transfer

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Just take a few minutes and research exactly what the federal reserve system actually is 
