fires near lake Elsinore

If you leave you will not be able to come back until Cal Fire decides to allow you to come back.
the airport fire has grown from 5000 to 20.000 acres in 24 hours my house is now in mandatory evacuation rvc 2197

but 100 yards away from voluntary supposed to fly out of state tomorrow morning so not sure now

I'd offer up my help, but I may have to make a move myself.

Is there any help you might need?
I'd offer up my help, but I may have to make a move myself.

Is there any help you might need?
Thanks. Monitoring it. About 10 miles away but moving perpendicular to my home. Here’s a pic looking at the hillside above lake Elsinore from Lowe’s.


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Good luck. Cool weather is coming.
Stay safe John, hope it changes direction or starts to dwindle down.
Thanks. Monitoring it. About 10 miles away but moving perpendicular to my home. Here’s a pic looking at the hillside above lake Elsinore from Lowe’s.
I remember that same scene when the huge fires were burning down here. I saw it coming over the hill & down towards our neighborhood & that was when we bailed out. super emotional feeling when you know there is nothing you can do.
I’m in Wrightwood and had to evacuate yesterday we barely made it to the house to grab what we could. Praying for everyone affected by the fires.
On my way into work today I could see small patches burning on the hillside for Elsinore. It looked to be contained decently.
Hope all is ok John - let me know if I can help - as you know, I'm close to your shop if you or family needs space.
during yesterdays snow storm of ash we had black burned but complete intact leaves falling on our property, never seen that before. Approx 5-6 miles from fire, zero threat for us at our location and the way our property is setup
No threat for us in Murrieta but covered in ash. The wife is a principal in Elsinore district and they are shut down. Praying for everyone affected by all of the fires.
Crazy how CA burns every year. Do you think the State leaders (nuSCUM?) will allow these harsh lands be cleaned of debris to eliminate the spread of these crazy wild fires? I believe there is a MTC Program that can help a ton. And as I type comes another Hurricane off the Gulf! Mother Nature comes in all forms of HELL. Peace
during yesterdays snow storm of ash we had black burned but complete intact leaves falling on our property, never seen that before. Approx 5-6 miles from fire, zero threat for us at our location and the way our property is setup
me too, very weird to see black leaves on the ground.
Crazy how CA burns every year. Do you think the State leaders (nuSCUM?) will allow these harsh lands be cleaned of debris to eliminate the spread of these crazy wild fires? I believe there is a MTC Program that can help a ton. And as I type comes another Hurricane off the Gulf! Mother Nature comes in all forms of HELL. Peace

It's not him...

It's the fucking enviro nuts that won't allow the forests to be maintained.

Fucking libtards. 💥
23000 acres. It’s still holding at 10 miles away and the winds has been blowing east (I’m due south) so we felt comfortable to leave on our planned out of state vacation. Daughter is still there and great community we live in. One neighbor of mine who is 1 mile closer says there is not much to worry about if current condition maintain. Hope all others are well in Elsinore. One report said no houses have burned only remote cabins
Good News for your part of the state. Watching the news this morning, other parts not so good. Pray For Rain! Peace