Faded black plastic.


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May 9, 2021
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I think it was one the old site, but there was a thread on faded plastic and the remedies used to fix it.

Can we get a refresher?..

Heat gun or small torch works great. Plenty of videos on YouTube. 
Bought a used Rhino that had very, very low hours but had been left sitting outside all it's life and oxidized badly.

Couple hours with the heat gun and it was beautiful again (well, as beautiful as an '09 Rhino gets...lol)

I've used the 303 aerospace stuff.... works good!

I've tried a lot of different products, this one's not cheap but works great.

Shine supply products is all I use in detailing my stuff but clutch isn't the best product for restoring trim. Try trim sauce or if it's really bad they have trim paint.  Then you can use clutch over the top of that to seal it in and protect it. 

Heat gun.  Did it to my sons power wheels that we found.  It was chalky black.  Did the heat gun trick and it looked new again.

We did the heat gun on my 2011 f250 trim pieces. Took a while to do. Looked good for about 2 months.  Seemed not worth the effort.  What results are you guys getting with thr heat gun? What about with the detailing solutions?

@tjZ06 had some stuff that came in a pouch type bag, looked like a baby wipe.

I need to torch or detail a few quads and the Rhino...they are not looking fresh these days 😞

We did the heat gun on my 2011 f250 trim pieces. Took a while to do. Looked good for about 2 months.  Seemed not worth the effort.  What results are you guys getting with thr heat gun? What about with the detailing solutions?

I did a small spot on my bumper cover on my Dodge & now its not only faded, but also spotty. 

Im probably going to get blasted for this, but plain old simple Armor-all is all I use any more.  I either stay on top of it or I dont. 

about a million years ago I had a bottle of "back to black" & it worked GREAT on my wifes Honda, but not as well on my Dodge. 
