Facebook, Instagram, Tiktoc?

mike dee

New member
May 10, 2021
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Posted this once before.....

What y’all using that’s less drama.  When GD.Com site went down it made me think why I didn’t gave any other type of social media.  I’ve always avoided FB, and IG because of the drama I hear it can bring.  What’s the pros and cons, dos and dont’s if any.  Just trying to keep in contact with others. Thanks

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For context I’m 23, so I’ve grown up with social media and theres is really no way around it unless you want to be the odd one out. I stopped using Facebook several years ago, Just wasn’t much of a fan of the platform and what it’s become. Instagram is my go to as it’s more so photos and videos rather than people rambling on about the daily nuance of life. I follow mainly my close friends, off road accounts, boating accounts and engineering accounts so the stuff i see is tailored to the things I like for the most part. I had tik tok for a while but I found it to be a big time sucker so I got rid of it. The engineers at tik tok really know what they’re doing, the algorithms are very quick to show you what you want to see and that’s why basically everyone under the age of 25 is hooked. For the most part I find the less social media the better but GD.com is my favorite followed up by Instagram. 

Besides being owned by the Chinese, tiktoc commercials are full of trannies and flaming homo's.  What's up with that?!

Facebook is only drama if you let it be.  It's the best platform for groups...I.E I'm in several topic specific groups to learn about various things (Cars, desert, gardening stuff, Duramax groups, etc).  Most groups are "private" - so you're normal Facebook friends can't see what you post.  Use it to learn about things, not to check out old high school chicks and you'll be drama free...But at the same time, being able to see people you knew / know and what they are up to now is an added bonus.

You truly don't need any of them.  You would think you'll be in the dark but if you have friends that you really talk to they'll let you in on what's important.  I find out what I need through conversation with friends.   Eff the big tech making you think you need the social accounts.  You might miss out on some stupid ass video or not know what someone ate for lunch but you'll be happier not knowing.  

I use to do FB for the family and friends but it got to be way to much drama and the targeted adds I hate and the censorship was getting unreal so about 6 months ago I axed it, I still have IG but seldom use it. After FB I switched to MeWe still getting family and friends to move there and they have groups I follow including some from FB, But my favorite is still right here on GD.Com I spend way to much time lurking around this site. But this site is a great resource and has great members so it will always be my favorite.   

I only had FB and got rid of it 1Apr.  After years of social media I occasionally miss it, but 10 seconds later I do something productive...  I do still check here a few times a day. 

I did Instagram for a short time; hated people, especially the politics of lots of folks.  I don’t mind debating, but lots of people made it very personal right off the get-go. Some people will say things on the computer screen that they would never say to your face. I always try to have that respect for people that I would never say something to them on the screen that I wouldn’t say to their face. I got off Instagram, love this place, feel way better.  What’s nice about glamisdunes.com is that we see each other here, and we also share time together in Glamis. 👍

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I have IG, Twitter and FB accounts, but never Tweeted or posted on IG. Once in a while something noteworthy pops up and having an acct allows me to see it. I especially like when James Woods tweets. He's hard core conservative and when he goes after some leftist, he goes nuclear! It's funny as hell to see him destroy some brainless turd with one sentence!

I do use FB occasionally, mostly to keep track of people's birthdays. It gives me an email first thing in the morning and I start off the day wishing people Happy Birthday. It's a good way to start the day. The rest of it is propaganda from foreign gov'ts designed to divide us about everything under the sun.  

Tik Toc is purely entertainment.   Lots funny videos and useless entertaining stuff.  Instagram can be drama free as long as you don't follow people that annoy you.  

Twitter seems to be the one full of the most drama.  I do not use it. 

Facebook is what you make of it. The drama is easily avoided.  There are lots of good groups on a variety of interest.  The only thing that sucks on FB compared to forums is trying to find information with in the FB groups.   Forums are much easier to navigate and get information.  

Never had Facebook. Started using Instagram in 2013 when I was racing because people posted a lot of pics and  videos I couldn't see. The more I posted the more my business grew. Used to post a pic almost everyday of a tranaport job or car I was prepping but lately it's been mostly IG stories which drop off after 24 hours. 

Similar to what I've learned about checking myself before replying on GD I check myself before replying on IG. 

From what I've read, Tiktok is an app from China and it gathers all of your personal information about you and your contacts from your mobile device. Depending on what China (read Chinese Communist Party) chooses to do with all of that info, I feel it's spyware and I caution all of my friends not to install it, or remove it if they've already got it.

TBH, Fakebook gathers just as much personal info, but is not Chinese owned, so I'm not quite as concerned about it being spyware. I don't think FB should be able to collect as much info as they do without specific permission of each user. I mean the default choice should be minimal data collection, the opposite of the way it is now.

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For context, I'm 18 so I've grown up with social media most of my life. I currently only use Facebook for keeping up with family, Instagram for everything, and then don't use TikTok, just haven't been interested in getting into that black hole of cringy content. I also use Snapchat for communicating to 99% of my friends. Also don't use Twitter because of how toxic that platform is, wouldn't want to get canceled 😳🤣

I only had FB and got rid of it 1Apr.  After years of social media I occasionally miss it, but 10 seconds later I do something productive...  I do still check here a few times a day. 
Don't kid yourself....GD.com is OG social media!

Oh, I know................ 

Bob: Hi My name is Bob, and Ive been a forum addict for 17 years.

Group:  "Hi Bob"

Bob: it all started for me when I thought it would be a good idea to put a late model EFI setup on my stroker motor and an OD Auto in my 71 Camaro, and its been down hill from there....

Yeah, my only social media 'outlet' is GD.com. .. and I like it cause my name is an alias (but I'm sure someone could figure out who I am, etc.). .. I haven't posted on my FB in 5 years and only turned it back on a year or two ago to sell off-road stuff on their market place (as I heard it works pretty good).

My New Year's resolution was to take more time off.. less screen time is part of that IMO.



PS. I've never had Funnygram, Crack-Tok or any other social deal, not even LinkedIn. I don't need any of these for my business. That's the only reason I'd join a site.

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