EZ Peasy Lemon Squeezy Trailer Loading


Active member
May 9, 2021
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I just sold my dream truck....a '90 3/4 Ton Suburban.

It has Manual:  Windows, 4=sp, Transfer Case, Hubs, and was all vinyl.  It was just what I was looking for when I bought it.  I still don't know why I sold it....other than it needed an engine (the replacement, I put in the other Sub....Vortec) and I hadn't put it back together after I hit an elk.  None of this new-fangled stuff....a real truck for a real man (that would be me).

Last year, it was easier/faster to buy a '93 Sub than get that one fixed....and we needed a tow rig to go to the dunes.  2 Suburbans....it don't make no sense (hillbilly speak there).

Anyways....we hook on to it an pull it backwards w/the '93.  We go to put it on the trailer....about 3' in the air, and try to use the winch and it didn't work....come-along hand-winch???  He jack knifed his truck.  I pulled alongside and pulled it up to the ramps, w/the strap running diagonally.  Then, I ran a chain and a strap (which you would find laying on the side of the freeway.  Yes, I do turn around for that kind of thing.  4" wide, 1/8" thick, you've seen a million of em on semi-trailers) over the top of the trailer to the sub...I was in low-range and I barely had to step on the gas.  It went on so easy I couldn't believe it.  I need to remember that trick.  It was about 10,000 times easier/faster than a winch.  The whole thing was done in about 10 minutes, once we figured out how to do it.

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No pics....just the 2D BB (extra credit if you know who had the 3D BB)

We put the trailer at a 90 degrees to the truck.    IN a   V  like position.  The left is the trailer, and the right is the tow vehicle.  The trailer on one side of the Vee and the truck on the other. 

The \  is the tow-strap vehicle.       I pulled along-side the trailer and pulled the Sub up to the ramps....strap at a diagonal.  like this    \V     

Then, I backed up to the hitch....barely missing the tow-vehicle.   Like this....V    We ran the strap over the top of the trailer, straight over the trailer and then I pulled forward, pulling the dead vehicle on the trailer......extra space added... \        

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