Exhaust Rust


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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How do you prevent your exhaust from rusting? I had some light surface rust on my exhaust so I took it off and had it ceramic coated. I have only two trips on the car and the exhaust is rusting again already. I do not believe it is due to sand abrasion as the rust is above and in front of the paddles and shows no indication of abrasion. Did I just get a crappy ceramic job? Something else I should do to avoid this? 




that’s not rust on the axle. I’m in Oregon and dune on the Oregon coast. Anything not coated will rust. I did a quick rattle can black paint job on the axles to keep them from rusting. I didn’t do a good job and the paint ran a bit on the ends in way of the cv boot. That’s what you’re seeing in the photos. I plan to re-paint the axles soon. 

I think maybe you got a crap ceramic coat...

My headers are old, and sandblasted. They are dull but no rust

I think maybe you got a crap ceramic coat...

My headers are old, and sandblasted. They are dull but no rust
That’s what I was thinking but interested in others’ opinions or if same issue. I have limited options for companies doing this up here. Now thinking I may need to ship the exhaust to a known reputable shop. 

That’s what I was thinking but interested in others’ opinions or if same issue. I have limited options for companies doing this up here. Now thinking I may need to ship the exhaust to a known reputable shop. 
I'm no expert on ceramic coating. My first impression was that it was a bad job, but then looking at it...  I can see that the "rust" is only on the outside radius of a bend, which would be where the hot exhaust gasses hit the tubing before changing directions. So maybe it's a combo of 2 or more things, maybe the coater should have done a thicker coat, IDK. Maybe he's used to smoother bends in the tubing, which wouldn't have such "hot spots." Or is that where condensation collects when the headers get cold at night? It's just odd that it's only in certain places.

Was a bad job. Once there is rust it must be COMPLETELY  removed and neutralized. All the ceramic did was cover it up, now its bleeding through. See it alot on mediocre car restorations
