Elon Musk : Evil Genius Or……

Maybe he'll install a Stargate so you can have yourself launched around the Solar System in yore new Ride.

He's a genius, but there's nothing evil about him. He's simply 10x smarter than any current politician and committed to saving the human race with a variety of tactics.

1. Tesla. Electric cars, which is also driving AI (which he is also cautioning everyone about, like a Skynet type of catastrophe), better battery tech, mfg processes and thus less carbon, in conjunction with his other industries.

2. Solar panels and Power walls. Ideally, Tesla owners would charge their cars and run their homes from solar power and store power for night time use from their Power Wall. This would make a huge difference in worldwide CO2 output if we all did it.

3. Grid scale energy storage, to store solar power from daytime for night time use. This turns solar power into a 24 hr source.

4. He realizes that eventually we are goin to outgrow this planet and he's decided we must colonize Mars. So he started his own space exploration company, Spacex and developed his own line of cargo rockets called Falcons and manned space exploration rockets to go to Mars called Starships. He's revolutionized rocketry - using stainless instead of aluminum or composites, reusable rockets, methane instead of RP1 rocket fuel, new engine design, new, better guidance systems and landing the rocket on it's tail. He even lands the used rocket at sea on a drone barge. Why? Because it's on the flight path of the returning rocket.

5. In order to fund all of this, he needed a sh1tload of money, as he confessed on stage.  :lol:  In order to make a sh1tload, he decided to sell satellite internet. Of course he launches these satellites from his own rockets. Starlink is higher speed than any other satellite internet and with lower latency than even fiber optic!! Not only does this serve the entire globe, giving people in extremely remote areas internet speeds of up to 180 mbps and latency down below 29ms, his satellites will allow people to bypass any gov't bans or blackouts. Let's say some gov't bans a free speech website from anyone in it's borders. With satellite, the user beams directly up to the satellite and the signal bounces through other satellites until it hits a ground station nearest the free speech website, far outside the gov't's borders. They can't ban what they can't block.

Amateur astronomers complained the constellation of satellites would create light pollution and destroy astronomy on earth. No problem, he painted them all black. Are you a Tesla owner and you've got a good idea for a new software feature? Mention it on Twitter and if it's a good idea, Elon will upload it to the Teslas on the next firmware update in a few weeks. He rebuilt the Puerto Rico power grid after the hurricane (notice they can't ever do anything for themselves? From food to power, someone always has to come save them) and he's installing a huge mega battery in TX, so they won't have another power outage like the disastrous winter one. Why couldn't the gov't take care of these things? That's what we pay taxes for. Oh wait...     no, our taxes paid for all of the free guns ammo, tanks, humvees, helicopters, missiles, etc the Taliban just got.

It's a good thing there's a guy like him and he lives in our country. He has fixed or is fixing a lot of humanity's problems, unlike the politicians who are screwing up everyone's lives!

:dunno:  ....he is a bright guy....aren't all the bright guys "touched".

2. Solar panels and Power walls. Ideally, Tesla owners would charge their cars and run their homes from solar power and store power for night time use from their Power Wall. This would make a huge difference in worldwide CO2 output if we all did it.
My neighbor just got this entire roof / solar / wall panel setup a few weeks ago. I swear it took more then 2 weeks for a 2200 sq foot house.

The black panels look weird to me, no birds land on it anymore...I can see the heat sizzle of it in the afternoons. I could no doubt fry an egg on it. :lol:

He also has a Tesla...maybe i'll go drink his beer and listen to how great it is next time he is in the garage.

:dunno:  ....he is a bright guy....aren't all the bright guys "touched".

My neighbor just got this entire roof / solar / wall panel setup a few weeks ago. I swear it took more then 2 weeks for a 2200 sq foot house.

The black panels look weird to me, no birds land on it anymore...I can see the heat sizzle of it in the afternoons. I could no doubt fry an egg on it. :lol:

He also has a Tesla...maybe i'll go drink his beer and listen to how great it is next time he is in the garage.
Two fold bonus.  No more F'n pigeons, and the heat load is no longer on his roof.

Solar power stuff is a bonus.

:dunno:  ....he is a bright guy....aren't all the bright guys "touched".

My neighbor just got this entire roof / solar / wall panel setup a few weeks ago. I swear it took more then 2 weeks for a 2200 sq foot house.

The black panels look weird to me, no birds land on it anymore...I can see the heat sizzle of it in the afternoons. I could no doubt fry an egg on it. :lol:

He also has a Tesla...maybe i'll go drink his beer and listen to how great it is next time he is in the garage.
I'm currently on the fence about Teslas and all EVs. I have a Camry hybrid and it gets just over 50 mpg in town or hwy. That's about 625 mi per tank, which is only 12 gal. Most EVs only have around 200 mi range, too short for my needs. On the plus side, a Tesla plaid model can run mid 9's at the drag strip on stock tires. That's about 1/2 sec. or more faster than a turbo Porsche, a very expensive car. Anything faster than 10 sec. is supposed to have a roll cage in it.

I'm sure in the near future the battery tech and lighter weight will allow them to be just as quick but get 600 mi range out of a charge. I'd definitely be interested at that point.

Solar power is great if your generating it and using it locally on site and your using it during a sunny day. It doesn't work well when you try to transmit it over any distance or when the sun isn't out. The only method I'm currently aware of to store it for later use is batteries which are expensive, have limited life, create CO2 emissions to produce, and cause all sorts of other enviromental problems. They need some sort of better storage method before it's gonna solve all our problems.

Solar power is great if your generating it and using it locally on site and your using it during a sunny day. It doesn't work well when you try to transmit it over any distance or when the sun isn't out. The only method I'm currently aware of to store it for later use is batteries which are expensive, have limited life, create CO2 emissions to produce, and cause all sorts of other enviromental problems. They need some sort of better storage method before it's gonna solve all our problems.
Roof mounted solar power currently just reduces or eliminates grid power usage. A battery bank can store it for overnight use, if it's big enough.

They're trying all sorts of energy storage methods. Huge flywheels, pumping water uphill then using it to produce hydro power when you need it at night, heating water then extracting the heat, etc. The most promising is the iron-air battery which is about the size of a washing machine and will be installed as a huge set covering a few acres. The battery uses iron oxidation to make current flow an when it's recharged it reverses the oxidation process. They've already got the membrane figured out and it's something like 3 or 4 x more energy dense than Lipo batteries. They're also supposed to last decades, maybe something like 40 or 50 yrs.

Any transfer of energy consumes some. It takes more power to pump water up a hill than you get back in its return down.

We don't have a perpetual motion machine yet...

power storage is at the heart of all green energy.  until we make a battery that is a "game changer" then oil will still run the world.   I am sure we will see it in our lifetime for sure.   Saw something about a chlorine battery that was 10 times storage and power of a Lipo.  New stuff coming out all the time.  I would buy in when all that happens.  I have 12.5kw solar system on my house and I love it.  Paid for itself in less than 5 years. I have 4 running AC units and another two that get used rarely and my Aug elec bill in AZ was only $285 instead of over $500.  As much as I hate Fords I am tempted to buy an elec F150 when they come out for the wife since she doesn't drive over 200 miles a day.  

The true solution that is available pretty much now is nuclear. They have the technology today to produce nuclear power with no emissions and very little waste. In fact, they say they can do it using just the leftover waste created from the last generation of nuclear power plants. But just the word nuclear has such a negative connotation in this country, people won't go for it.

The real problem with all the "green energy"  today is it all eventually relies on stuff mined, produced, or manufactured in China. They are burning coal and other fossil fuels like madmen to produce "green" crap to sell to us so we can feel like we're saving the world.

The true solution that is available pretty much now is nuclear. They have the technology today to produce nuclear power with no emissions and very little waste. In fact, they say they can do it using just the leftover waste created from the last generation of nuclear power plants. But just the word nuclear has such a negative connotation in this country, people won't go for it.

The real problem with all the "green energy"  today is it all eventually relies on stuff mined, produced, or manufactured in China. They are burning coal and other fossil fuels like madmen to produce "green" crap to sell to us so we can feel like we're saving the world.
Nuclear has been the proven green solution for a long time yet it rarely gets support from the Green Team - all they do is push solar and windmills - which have minimal impact on total energy use.  10-20 years ago we should have been building a bunch of nuclear plants all over and converting.  Ask any submarine expert on safety of nuclear power.  

Nuclear has been the proven green solution for a long time yet it rarely gets support from the Green Team - all they do is push solar and windmills - which have minimal impact on total energy use.  10-20 years ago we should have been building a bunch of nuclear plants all over and converting.  Ask any submarine expert on safety of nuclear power.  
Unfortunately, there have been so many radiological incidents from negligence, operator error, natural disasters, etc that the public doesn't trust nuclear power. It all stems from light water reactors that work under pressure and if they spring a leak, it releases an explosive steam cloud. There's a much cheaper, non pressurized type that is extremely safe called a LFTR reactor which burns old nuclear waste and if left unattended will shut itself down, but GE and Westinghouse pushed for light water reactors with lobbyists because their profit margin is huge on those massively expensive reactors. There's renewed interest in LFTR reactors, let's hope they build them!
