EFF Theives / People Just SUCK


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May 2, 2021
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Woke up this am to a barking dog....look out window and see my neighbor Brenda ...... Thought she was taking out some trash cans..........go back to bed and my cell rings......Its Brenda / she says my daughters 2006 Honda Accord had the Catylic Converter was just stolen........Book outside and sure enough...GONE.....3 guys in a GMC rolled up and jacked it in about 1 minute....the neighbors across the street have a ring and got pics of the truck but cant see plates...........

They ran out and the guys ripped it backwards ..turned 90 degrees and booked away..........DAMAGE $1700 PLUS because in this POS state and New York you can only use Factory Honda Converters.........Its sooo bad that the dealers are on backorder!!!  I have a case into a state referee to get approval to install a 48 state CAT.($100 bucks VS $1450 for the Honda).....once approval is granted you get it installed and then take the vehicle to the Ref and they install a tag so it will then pass smog!!!!!

These people are Fast and have been hitting EVERYONE in our town.....It is INSANE!!!!!!!!!!

Never knew this was a thing but boy did I learn a lot today!!!!! UNREAL!!!!!

It is amazing how much our society rewards these criminals! Police can't do anything....It is sooo frustrating!

Rant Over....Bad Day today!




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Who let Andy on here?

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straight pipe that sucker Andy reg in Quartzsite and your good for now. 

Our jeweler on Main St in Grapevine Texas just got broken into. She's such a nice lady. Great community person and some douche bags broke her windows came inside the store and destroyed her place. Took nothing of importance. WTF!! Peace

Dam Andy i think it's time for you to move to AZ with the rest of us ex califs... 

Huge problem around here, My brother has had 3 cats stolen. Copper just went above $4 lb so school district ac units are being hit again as well. 

The fools around the office keep leaving company cars and trucks in the parking lot in an industrial area.  Over 6 so far have been hit.  Seems every week around 7am on Monday morning you hear what sounds like a dragster fire up. Yep they go another.

Our jeweler on Main St in Grapevine Texas just got broken into. She's such a nice lady. Great community person and some douche bags broke her windows came inside the store and destroyed her place. Took nothing of importance. WTF!! Peace
Holy crap. Hopefully those she’s helped help her and insurance covers it. Sad. Complete idiots! 

UPDATE: Heard back from the state referee.....got approval for 3 aftermarket California Approved Cats (which means EXPENSIVE)   I was able to get the Walker Part #82901 off amazon for $553.04 (MUCH BETTER THAN THE OEM FOR $1600)  The other two were $1400 plus!

As soon as it comes in and gets installed I take the car to the State Referee and they apply a barcode so the car will pass smog. RPM in Oceanside is an AWESOME shop! They took care of us!......I am going to see if they can weld in some pipe to make it more difficilt to steal the new one.

Gonna be over $800 Bucks :mad:  setback... I am sickined by this and timing couldnt be worse..........God help me if I find the truck that did it / The entire scam makes my stomach turn............

Honestly I wish we would deal with theft like Saudi Aribia.......1st offense Chop off your hand.......2nd offense Chop off other hand........3rd...Chop off your head!

THAT is what will change the mentality of theives across the USA.......Its out of control and the working people get screwed to the wall stuck with the bill!!!!

Rant Over!

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A couple of months ago I had my F-350 Cat ripped off. With these cordless bandsaws, its quick and quite. Ends up Ford doesn't have a replacement CAT for a 2001 V10 F-350. I had to use the aftermarket and do the referee thing. >$1000 in parts and labor plus 3 days missing work to run the truck around to get everything fixed. I think I am just going to tape a $50 bill and a thank you note under all my trucks.  
