East Coast shipping ports shutting down in a few hours


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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I looked around here and didn't see anything... I'm surprised.
Anybody have any ideas how this is going to affect the West Coast in the short term? I read this can't go more than 2 weeks or we're absolutely screwed.
it was on the news last night or the night before. they were saying this might affect Christmas & the delivery of a whole mess of stuff that we "need"...........
I read this can't go more than 2 weeks or we're absolutely screwed.
More like 5 days at $3+ to $4+ billion per day per some accounts.
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they want protection from automation... how about do your fkin job better than a robot and you wont have to worry...
The longshoreman can be self destructive to the point of insanity. They worked a container facility in Portland years ago and were constantly getting in pissing matches with the port and other trades on the docks. Once they walked when they got in a pissing match with IBEW over who was responsible for plugging in the cords on the refrigerator containers. It reached the point where they just shut down the facility and shifted the operation to the port of Seattle, and the Portland facility has never reopened. Idiots!
You cannot stop Automation, last big strike was in the 70's when the container size was increased.

East and Gulf are shut down at the moment. Over / Under on how long this goes?
I worked in the container business for 20 years. They are the most childish and entitled group I’ve ever dealt with. West coast will most likely do work “slowdowns” to show solidarity with the east coast. These guys will actually tell us that they are doing it. I had a driver get mouthy with one of the teamsters while putting a container on a chassis so the teamster put the container on backwards and told him to go to the back of the 2 hour line to get it fixed. He told the driver that they run the show and will make life miserable for him if he opens his mouth one more time. It was kinda funny but at the same time they don’t care about the businesses. Just how much they’re gonna get paid and how little they have to work.

We had to pick up 20 containers on an off day. Our customer had to pay for a full crew for the whole day to let them to come in. Took about 45 minutes. Shows that they can work when it suits them.
chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.ilwu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/DispatcherSept2024lores.pdf first three pages is absolute garbage.... eff'm, replace them all.
Yep, sad that they are basically the Mafia and do whatever they want.