Easiest Path from Washes to Olds?


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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Growing up I always went to Gordons - and still do throughout the season...One thing I've always liked about it is the simplicity of night rides to test...Hit the sand highway, take a right, go for a bit, take a left - follow the path and your there...if you break down at night there's no stress as it's an easy tow home.

Glamis - for some reason, I can't find an easy path at night that I can do over and over again without needing to think about it (like Gordons), other than the boring long way around following the wash campgrounds - which is boring and no fun.  We usually camp at wash 15 or farther....Using the map below, can those of you who ride at night and have an easy run from the washes - draw on the map how you do it? If I need to ride to say wash 11 and follow a wash, etc., all good - I'm just looking for an easy to follow run at night.


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Technically, nothing other than Olds Road out from sand highway.  You're going to have to dune.  Once season is on, there's usually major tracks headed to and from to follow.  But it's not an obvious road like Gordon's.  The deeper the wash, the less simple.

One night just "cruising" around wash 13 I ended up at Olds.  No idea how or how I got back but it seemed instantaneous. 

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Pretty much the triangle of death lol wash road to Glamis store sand highway, to Olds hwy. I find myself on this route when I have new riders, new people to Glamis or when solo. 

Edited to add: just realized you meant the long boring way. Uhm, welp, I've seen a somewhat flat run to Olds from washes with the exception of a couple straight over medium dunes. I just don't know what wash it's near though. 

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I don't mind duning to get there, just trying to find a run i can do from memory...when i look on google earth, this path looks like it would be easy to follow at night (stay in the wash bush line until you're almost there) - just not sure how that looks in reality...wash 7ish or so


i like to dune the high side from olds to brawley slide and then head towards the wash. but easiest would be sand highway to vendors. seems i never take the same way twice 


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i like to dune the high side from olds to brawley slide and then head towards the wash. but easiest would be sand highway to vendors. seems i never take the same way twice 

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This, run the valley to Brawley slide from wash 13/14 go up Brawley slide stay left as you go up and follow the ridge and olds will be on your left 

Depends on group, if quads almost any route if just the guys.

If in the Rhino, then Wash 10 and at the end set of dunes, it got hairy cresting a few of the dunes before you dropped into Olds Valley.

Right now were back to just quads.


When our group has newbie’s we use wash 6. A few easy dunes when you leave the Olds valley but then it smooths out. 
Instead of going all the way to wash road you can turn right and stay just west of the camps to the wash of your choice. 
At night keep the light on the cell tower at the store on your left and head toward the red lights on the towers in the distance. 

W6 to Olds is by far the only idiot proof route, from just about any high point you will see the lights.  From W10-W15 it's not so bad and if you keep your eyes open you end up seeing the chaos off in the distance and adjust your route accordingly.  Like Bansh said most tracks head towards Olds so just keep picking the path with the most tracks.  The fun part is getting back, It is real easy to get your ass turned around especially if there is some dust :lol:  near vendors so you can't see the tower.  I can't tell you how many times we come out in what we think is W10  only to find we are in W6 or W16.  Can't tell you how many times We have left the Ledge after dark, bee lined it to Olds only to wander around for what seems like an an hour only to roll up on the Firemans flag pole.   There has been a few times that after this our fearless leader has convinced himself that his internal GPS is now reset and we can dune back to W13 only to roll out to Wash Road at W7.

In short to the hill easy, home can be a little tricky :morebeer:

normally when we are camped way down in the washes we will go up to somewhere close to wash 6 and then head into the dunes. 

Yes, wash 6 via the line you drew is the easiest to get there that is not sand highway. if you have kids quads, There is one spot that they may have trouble with.  

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This.  Follow the edge of the dunes (should be able to ride the top of one ridge-ish) until you get to the fairly obvious path through the trees.  Ends in small-medium dunes, just follow the rutted out/whooped out path through and you'll see Olds ahead.

No wonder Wash 6 is where the party is always at :crusty:
Orale vato

Where is your sense of adventure!? Other than when it’s crazy cold I say supply up and look for the fun route not the easy route.
