Dunes riding tutorial


Active member
May 9, 2021
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Before the site crashed, there was a dunes riding tutorial on the site.  Is it gone?  Is it on youtube?

We are making a trip before New Years and some of my kids and grand kids have never been.

a video would be good but just dont drive across olds. or jump with out a spotter especially at old or in the little dunes

Best way to learn is to take them to a secluded area and play follow the leader. They aren’t gonna learn by watching a video. Another great starter is to let them ride the kiddie tracks. Helps them learn how to position themselves while transitioning.

Crashing is inevitable! How you crash is the key. First things first. Teach them how to make it go and how to make it stop. Thats after you've taught them how to fill it up with gas / how to clean the air filter / How to check the oil. Peace

i learned to ride in the sand did not start till my early 20s, rarely ride regular hard pack dirt, started on dirt bike, then quad now a rzr. one thing that seams odd when you are learning but slower is not always better. momentum really helps. 

Best way to learn is to take them to a secluded area and play follow the leader. They aren’t gonna learn by watching a video. Another great starter is to let them ride the kiddie tracks. Helps them learn how to position themselves while transitioning.
^ This 

Teach that momentum is your friend.  I learned to dune with beam car with 1835cc VW, we duned everywhere.

Teach that momentum is your friend.  I learned to dune with beam car with 1835cc VW, we duned everywhere.

I remember when I got my 660 Rhino. I was 200 lbs and my buddy 230 ish we took that thing out peddle on the floor and hit every big dune we could find.  We were out for hours laughing our heads off and kept saying " just drive it like you stole it " 

Always been on a quad since I started 21 years ago.  Leader out front (someone who rides to the least experienced rider’s skill). Most or next most experienced rider at the rear. If a rider misses a line, circle around and wait. The leader should be missing you soon and come back for you. Lines should be even transitions with lots of room for people to catch up if they need to. Give the rider directly in front of you plenty of room to make the next hill. I’m sure there’s  more, but thats all I got for now.

Always been on a quad since I started 21 years ago.  Leader out front (someone who rides to the least experienced rider’s skill). Most or next most experienced rider at the rear. If a rider misses a line, circle around and wait. The leader should be missing you soon and come back for you. Lines should be even transitions with lots of room for people to catch up if they need to. Give the rider directly in front of you plenty of room to make the next hill. I’m sure there’s  more, but thats all I got for now.
To add to this point, if you loose the line, stop at the top of a dune, not at the bottom. Helps the leader circle around and find you quicker.
