Duner Diner


May 11, 2021
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Does anyone know if they will be opening for this up and coming season, Tried to message them on FB but no luck 

I think that will be up to communist state of California and the regulation they impose on the good people of glamis. 

Has Deh Fuhrer allowed the practice of free trade to return to the state yet?  I don't see them doing much until they are allowed to operate so it makes dollars and sense at which point they will be in the same boat as every other hospitality business on the entire planet. That is being at the mercy of the hired help and the ability to find and hire them.

A friend of a friend's restaurant was permanently closed when for two weeks they could not find qualified help they needed to remain open.  So they closed down sold off the equipment and now are retired.

I'm friends with Ron Pratte's son, not bragging, just stating it so this isn't viewed as opinion, but rather straight from the horses mouth.

Duners Diner could have been open last season but would have been restricted to 25% capacity due to Newsom's ridiculous rules. At 25% capacity the employees, who house themselves temporarily in the area, would not have made enough in tips to cover their rent. So it was decided to not open. 

I really hope they are 100% open this coming season. 

I hope they can open and run at full capacity, really missed them last season.

I'm friends with Ron Pratte's son, not bragging, just stating it so this isn't viewed as opinion, but rather straight from the horses mouth.

Duners Diner could have been open last season but would have been restricted to 25% capacity due to Newsom's ridiculous rules. At 25% capacity the employees, who house themselves temporarily in the area, would not have made enough in tips to cover their rent. So it was decided to not open. 

I really hope they are 100% open this coming season. 
Its my understanding that they WILL be open.. Date to open TBD

I'm friends with Ron Pratte's son, not bragging, just stating it so this isn't viewed as opinion, but rather straight from the horses mouth.

Duners Diner could have been open last season but would have been restricted to 25% capacity due to Newsom's ridiculous rules. At 25% capacity the employees, who house themselves temporarily in the area, would not have made enough in tips to cover their rent. So it was decided to not open. 

I really hope they are 100% open this coming season. 
I hope they are open too.  I get the challenges of finding labor and making it worth while requires volume / sales.  Based on them being outside dining and the demand from all us duners - I would have thought they would have done ok.  CA / Newsom rules suck.  There were times this past season I would have made the drive and paid $20 for a frosty cold beer and good food.  

That's what Im hoping for, Being June 15 we are supposed to be 100% open now, but I guess we will see , and im with you on driving down and paying more for a beer to help out 

With Stimulus money disappearing and the service industry picking up steam again, employees will need to come back to work by October.  Economy is shifting back to what it was before Covid, big ticket items are slowing down and service industry picking up.  I'd suggest you sell your toys now 😄, just in case I am looking for a Husqvarna 350.
