dunefreak's idaho vid, super amazing

that was cool.  It makes me want to plan a trip up there.  the drone footage was bitchen. 

if you have not been, it is amazing place and the surroundings 
Its a long trip for me.  southern boarder (almost) to northern boarder (almost) in an old Dodge.  LOL. 

Our group talked about doing that & the west coast, but that is a hell of a commitment.  LOL. 

A commitment you won’t regret. Awesome dunes surrounded by other awesome things to do and explore.

Great video that really shows the scale of some of the dune sets out there in ID!  I can't wait for our next trip up there in Aug '22.

Its a long trip for me.  southern boarder (almost) to northern boarder (almost) in an old Dodge.  LOL. 

Our group talked about doing that & the west coast, but that is a hell of a commitment.  LOL. 
You've gotta do it at least once in your life! I've been up there 3 times, it was an easy 1-1/2 day drive. From Sandy Eggo to Vegas in 1/2 day, then take off from Vegas at 8 am and pull into St Anthony about 10 hrs later. I have no interest in OR or any other dunes except Dumont some day, on a different trip.

Great video, and it looks like a really fun group, I could hang with em!  I've been 5 times, but for me it is a 3 day drive to get there, soooo you just stay longer!

Great video - looks like a handheld camera for most of the in-car footage?

Superb video, someday.

How can you not take a Sand Car there though...right?

great times!

when we go for a week, we dune every other day.  the other days include, yellowstone (70 miles to the west entrance) jackson hole and doing the snake river on tubes (2 hours), cave exploring (even an ice cave) 30 min,   find a river and kick back 15-30 min

