Drive over fenders - Enclosed Trailers


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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     So I've been looking at enclosed trailers half heartedly because I love my flatbed but I would love to store my car somewhere other than my garage. I'm sure I can't be the only one to need the super wide door opening and drive over fenders. My current flatbed trailer is a buggy hauler and is 94" wide. That said, my car barely fits that with a set of front wheels on the back, semi rollers I guess.

My question is, are the drive over fenders something that can be converted after finding the right trailer? I see a lot of decent trailers but they're not drive over fenders type. 

I took some measurements and my rears with paddles are right at 99 or 100" and would love to drive it right but I know that isn't happening. What is the usual door width when people say 8.5 x 24 or whatever. Are the door frames really only 3" thick? Or must I get the measuring tape to every door opening? 

Also on the V nose, are those for RV to clear at jacknife angles? Or makes no difference? Is there interference from a box trailer to a class A with a tight turn? That seems to worry me, but I guess I haven't had any issues with my flatbed either. 

Anyways, pics would be awesome if you guys have any. Just hope I don't have to settle for some used up trailer with actual drive overs, or order one custom made. Whatcha got? How did you do it? Sell the car and buy a SxS? LOL

Buy my 2023 Universal 20' enclosed and you won't need drive over fenders and can leave your paddles on with the 104" wide rear door. 

I've transported Tatum's, Buckshot's, lots of Funco's, with Chevy Avalanche body, Extreme's and Racer's. So far not a single car has needed to 'drive' over the inner fenders or have loading tires installed. 






If your looking at all manufactures of  trailers, you need to measure all of them.

I purchased a "LOOK" I believe its manufactured by Pace. Its 98" wide at the rear door and I fab'd drive over finders for it

 V nose will help if you were to absolutely jackknife your rig for some reason. "Most" enclosed car haulers have a 5' tongue that will help keep you in the clear when turning but if you have a rear ladder or hills or incline will determine how far you can crank it.  

100" + wide rear opening will probably only be found in a Universal, sport trailer, ultra or new trend. Probably a few others that are sport specific. 

Ohhh ya one last thing. Keep the buggy.......


Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 1.42.52 PM.png

I just built plywood ramps up and over the wheel wells in my enclosed. It has worked well for years. 

Most wells are easily modified. That said; its a good time to buy a cargo trailer. They are all over craigslist and offer up. I was in the market last month and  yes pay close attention to details because trailers vary greatly in subtle ways from builder to builder. I ended up scoring an 18’ Pace for 5k$ another 500$ in tires and I'm good.

pay attention to width, actual length (alot of 20’ trailers are only 18.5-19’ cargo), and gvwr

also pay attention to frame cond. alot of trailers i looked at were purchased back east and used to move to california. Many had considerable rust.

LRS’s trailer looks perfect for you 


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Buy my 2023 Universal 20' enclosed and you won't need drive over fenders and can leave your paddles on with the 104" wide rear door. 

I've transported Tatum's, Buckshot's, lots of Funco's, with Chevy Avalanche body, Extreme's and Racer's. So far not a single car has needed to 'drive' over the inner fenders or have loading tires installed. 

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I probably would consider it but can't convince the wife to leave the quads behind so I'm stuck looking at mostly 24', which I cringe just thinking about it. Also thought backing the car in, or using a winch in my case (2d lol) is a must for the weight distribution and proper tongue weight? I know nothing lol 

I probably would consider it but can't convince the wife to leave the quads behind so I'm stuck looking at mostly 24', which I cringe just thinking about it. Also thought backing the car in, or using a winch in my case (2d lol) is a must for the weight distribution and proper tongue weight? I know nothing lol 
If the trailer is designed and built properly you shouldn't need to back the car in. We don't back in any of the cars we haul. For my personal enclosed I did back my heavy AF car in and checked the weight with a trailer scale. It only goes to 2000lbs and it was over that. So went back to pulling it straight in. I like 800-1000lbs tongue weight on anything we pull.

They also make "RV Tongue" for trailers" When I had mine built, they offered a 5' tongue. I really like it.

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Buy my 2023 Universal 20' enclosed and you won't need drive over fenders and can leave your paddles on with the 104" wide rear door. 

I've transported Tatum's, Buckshot's, lots of Funco's, with Chevy Avalanche body, Extreme's and Racer's. So far not a single car has needed to 'drive' over the inner fenders or have loading tires installed. 

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Jeff,  what are you asking for the trailer ?  My buddy Ors needs a trailer.
