Dragon Sculpture

Big Jim

New member
Feb 22, 2022
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Hi GD , a while back I saw a post on Instagram about a dragon being fabricated for the dunes. As a attraction location. I tried looking for it. Does anyone know we’re it is ? Or if it has been completed ? Anybody have any pics of it being fabricated. It is a work of art. 

'Attractions' in the dunes have been deemed undesirable by the Koalition of Karen's on gd.com. They're coming after the holiday weekends next. Then driving too fast. Then having too much horsepower. Fireworks are still cool though. 

'Attractions' in the dunes have been deemed undesirable by the Koalition of Karen's on gd.com. They're coming after the holiday weekends next. Then driving too fast. Then having too much horsepower. Fireworks are still cool though. 
I'm really surprised to hear you say that.

I’m not 100% positive but I heard that a 1/2 acre display honoring NASCAR drivers who’ve perished in crashes is in the works. Plans are to spread pieces of cars along with discarded first responder supplies in authentic scenarios with life sized sculptures of the deceased next to each wreck. For safety a 4’ barbed wire fence will encompass the memorial. Bring the kids, fun for the whole family!

In other news the BLM is looking to stage strategic staging areas to battle the influx of “points of interest” deposited on public lands. The proposal indicates they’ll set up shop in the front yards of those that have purchased Glamis passes and inspect the rigs of those that appear to be headed out to the dunes. In selected yards once they are done they’ll erect monuments to remind folks to leave public lands pristine prior to moving on to their next location. We all love a good monument right?

I’m not 100% positive but I heard that a 1/2 acre display honoring NASCAR drivers who’ve perished in crashes is in the works. Plans are to spread pieces of cars along with discarded first responder supplies in authentic scenarios with life sized sculptures of the deceased next to each wreck. For safety a 4’ barbed wire fence will encompass the memorial. Bring the kids, fun for the whole family!
I've got a BBQ and a tetherball to install on site once this sweet spot is done.   Figure I'll make it a memorial to my 2nd cousin who died from a heroin overdose in Arkansas 3 years ago.  

I've got a BBQ and a tetherball to install on site once this sweet spot is done.   Figure I'll make it a memorial to my 2nd cousin who died from a heroin overdose in Arkansas 3 years ago.  
Don't forget to throw something up for his dog as well. I'm sure they both LOVED Glamis. And of course please post the coordinates.

I would like to do something like car henge in Nebraska, 

only we will make razor henge!


All donations will be graciously accepted. :laugh1:

I would like to do something like car henge in Nebraska, 

only we will make razor henge!

View attachment 28493

All donations will be graciously accepted. :laugh1:
Curious to see how you will stack charred chassis and piles of previously molten aluminum.

For the OP, the rangers smashed it and drug it out.

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'Attractions' in the dunes have been deemed undesirable by the Koalition of Karen's on gd.com. They're coming after the holiday weekends next. Then driving too fast. Then having too much horsepower. Fireworks are still cool though. 
Call me a Karen - I don't mind in this context.  It's out of control and needs to stop before it causes more closures and or regulations.  Some could argue this might not ever happen, but I'd argue it's 100% not helping the sport / place we all love.  


Wait a minute, there’s a Dragon??? I thought a dinosaur was the last attempt to stage something in the dunes.



'Attractions' in the dunes have been deemed undesirable by the Koalition of Karen's on gd.com. They're coming after the holiday weekends next. Then driving too fast. Then having too much horsepower. Fireworks are still cool though. 
Asking for a friend, is complaining about Karen's actually being a Karen?  I am so confused these days with Karen's and transgenders. :mobeer:

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Dragon or the Lochness monster?

That already may be out there....

