DOTM Winner, Feb24, SandTrap


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
Reaction score
Well the mob has ruled & the winner of DOTM for Feb of 2024 is @SandTrap

@SandTrap was nominated by @ROBERT L: One of the rails broke a belt tensioner and he went to Brawley parts store and they didn’t have one. So he drove to the AutoZone in El Centro and picked one up.

Congratulations @SandTrap for winning this month & more importantly for being a kick ass guy & helping a fellow enthusiast out when they needed it. 

Congratulations Wes.  Very well deserved.

Good job Wes.  :clap:

When I saw you leaving camp I thought what a jerk for leaving and not saying  :howdy1:

Then you came back with parts.  :hug:

Congratulations way to help out your fellow duner

Congratulations, Sandtrap, a title well-deserved. Throw Slap a p.m. with your address, and your official Duner of the month package will be on the way.😁

Y'all are Very Kind I am truly Blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people
