DOTM Winner, Apr24, FullThrottleGuy & Parker@GearOne


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
Reaction score
@Fullthrottle guy (Alex) & @Parker@GearOne was nominated by @Poule43: for the overwhelming hospitality they gave everyone at the Race Ready open House.

congratulations to Alex & Parker for all they did @ the open house at Race Ready. 

I would also like to say a thanks to each of them for all that they do for the us here @ Glamis Dunes and for the off road community in general.  Im sure there were a bunch of other folks behinds the scenes that put together the open house, those kinds of events dont just happen without a bunch of help.  

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A ton of knowledge / support for our community, well deserved!

Downright SLAPPTACIOUS.  A title well deserved.  Much thanks from the dune community Alex & Parker.  Throw Slap a pm with yo addresses, and your official DOTM will be on da way. 👍👊

Thanks Everyone - it is truly an honor. 

I love the sport and highly respect this site and the members, I have met the greatest people and manufacturers here (like Parker@gearone my co-share)

I always try to give back on the support I get ...

I was going to post this last week but  got busy ( lazy) ... For all GD members who could not make the Race Ready Open House,  DM me and I'll get you out a T-shirt or hat or if you can alway stop by,  grab one, get some popcorn and hang out 

And of course every GD member is automatically enrolled in our "Winners Circle" discount program by their screen name 

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