Don't buy the BS - CA SB 708


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2021
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Gov. Newsom signs CA SB 708 Into Law - while certain OHV Access groups see this as a win, I only see it as New scum ensuring the OHV Fees for what was covered by the Red sticker program, to start coming back in. All this does is Get Red sticker money, without pissing off the Enviro-Nazies by keeping the OHV on closed course racing events.

It passed 39 to 1

Existing law authorizes the Department of Parks and Recreation to issue to a nonresident of this state a special permit to operate an off-highway motor vehicle. Existing law requires the fee for this special permit to be not less than $20, as established by the department.

This bill would require the department to issue a special permit to California residents to operate certain off-road motorcycles at sanctioned events, as defined. The bill would require the department to establish a fee for this permit, as specified.

What are your thoughts?

If you use Model year Post 2022, Non-CARB compliant OHV's at Sanctioned Close Course Events.....then this maybe a win for you.

Pay a yearly $20 (or more) fee for a special sticker.
well basically they are charging a CA resident who races a fee to use the bike at a race event...

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:
SECTION 1.Section 38087.7 is added to the Vehicle Code, to read:38087.7.
(a)Upon payment of the fee specified in Section 38231.7, the Department of Parks and Recreation shall issue an annual special permit, to be known as the sanctioned event permit, to California residents to operate an off-road motorcycle at a sanctioned event. The sanctioned event permit shall be available for online purchase beginning January 1, 2026.

(b)A sanctioned event permit shall expire on December 31 of the year that the permit is issued.

(c)A sanctioned event permit shall only be available to California residents and for model year 2022 and newer off-road motorcycles that are not eligible for the Green Sticker or Red Sticker off-highway vehicle identification issued by the department.

(d)A sanctioned event permit shall be displayed on the left side of an off-road motorcycle and shall be visible for inspection at sanctioned events. A sanctioned event permit shall be nonrefundable, nonreplaceable, and void if removed from an off-road motorcycle.

(e)For purposes of this section, sanctioned event means an event approved by an agency within its guidelines for off-highway vehicle competition or racing events.

SEC. 2.Section 38231.7 is added to the Vehicle Code, to read:38231.7.
The Department of Parks and Recreation shall set, and may adjust, the amount of the fee to recover the operating and administrative costs of a sanctioned event permit issued pursuant to Section 38087.7. The Department of Parks and Recreation shall deposit fees received pursuant to this section in the Off-Highway Vehicle Trust Fund.
So, if I'm reading/interpreting correctly, this law makes new bikes (22+) that don't have registration pay a fee to operate in competitions?

Just bought my daughter a new '25 KX and there's no registration. I guess the state realized they were going to see massive cuts in revenue and then scrambled to pass this BS.
I haven’t thought of Cali too much lately. A while back California “borrowed” quite a bit of money from the OHV fund to pay for Transexual pedicures for incarcerated illegal aliens, did they ever pay that back?
Its not a tax, it’s a fee. What you say when you are worried about your constituents turning on you.
I haven’t thought of Cali too much lately. A while back California “borrowed” quite a bit of money from the OHV fund to pay for Transexual pedicures for incarcerated illegal aliens, did they ever pay that back?
Collect yore credits at shower stall #9 on Tuesdays at 3pm - bring extra soap.

I haven’t thought of Cali too much lately. A while back California “borrowed” quite a bit of money from the OHV fund to pay for Transexual pedicures for incarcerated illegal aliens, did they ever pay that back?
That will never happen! The good politician's of this great nation and especially this state...they really know how to use our funds efficiently! (Insert Sarcasm here)
Although funds were set aside for a certain program....Hey wait a minute here, We could do this other thing over here and just take from this and pay for that!!
It's so easy!
Eff Politician's!

On a side note, how you doing @BaBaBouy 🍻
So, if I'm reading/interpreting correctly, this law makes new bikes (22+) that don't have registration pay a fee to operate in competitions?

Just bought my daughter a new '25 KX and there's no registration. I guess the state realized they were going to see massive cuts in revenue and then scrambled to pass this BS.

That makes the most sense.

Stupid CA 🤬
They were stupid when they discontinued the red sticker program, no idea why they would turn off all that free money.
So instead of bringing back the red sticker program for 2022+ model years they hit you with an annual event fee permit.
That will never happen! The good politician's of this great nation and especially this state...they really know how to use our funds efficiently! (Insert Sarcasm here)
Although funds were set aside for a certain program....Hey wait a minute here, We could do this other thing over here and just take from this and pay for that!!
It's so easy!
Eff Politician's!

On a side note, how you doing @BaBaBouy 🍻
Chillin in Da Hoe yo. I made bank last time I was in Cali, brought 3 rolls of wintergreen chew, sold that shiz out of library bathrooms.
They were stupid when they discontinued the red sticker program, no idea why they would turn off all that free money.
Stupid or making deals to please the most folks?

CARB got rid of Red Sticker OHV in CA for the Gen Pop, meets air quality crap. =$$
Previously Private Course Racers didn't have to get anything, for "competition use only" designation was good enough.
Now they must get a yearly sticker =$$

Rich (BB code):
Poor volunteer at the "Thread Lightly" Booth this weekend when I asked him what their stance was on SB 708.
He knew it was a loaded question as a few other folks asked the same question this weekend - LOL

He said they try not to take political stances, their only job is keeping trails open and working with whomever can help do that.

I still paid the $25 donation, maybe I'll win the nice Jeep they are raffling and an org that supports keeping trails open has a little more $$ to fight the good fight.